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Ork Aquatic Detachment
You must choose at least one command squad. 

1 detachment HQ (Flagship)...............+25points

Main Force
Support Force
Up to 10 of the following   
Up to one support unit may be chosen for each Main Force Unit
Wet Wagon Squadron..........24 points per unit 
Consists of 1 to 3 Wet Wagon Amphibious craft
  Hunterz Squadron.........................................16 points per unit 
Consists of 1 to 3 Hunterz.
Light Landing craft .............12 points per unit 
Consists of 1 to 3 Light landing craft..
  Mauler.........................................................................22 points
Heavy Landing craft............40 points per unit 
Consists of 1 Heavy landing craft.
  A.A. Boat.....................................................................21 points
Light Patrol Craft ..................9 points per unit 
Consists of 1 to 3 Light Patrol craft.
Medium Attack Boats.........32 points per unit 
Consists of 1 or 2 Medium Attack Boats
Heavy Siege Boats ..............35 points per unit Consists of 1 Heavy Siege Boat.    
Chain of Command:
FlaFlagship > Main force unit > Any other units
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