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(Reprint with permission from Press Release of Pershore Dragon Boat Racing Team, Britain, June 2004)

(引自英國珀肖爾龍舟會2004年新聞稿 )


A Gift from Hong Kong (一份來自香港的禮物)                        中文譯本

While Hong Kong was celebrating the Tuen Ng Festival in 2004, half way around the world in a small market town in Worcestershire, England, the Dragon Boat Club of Pershore was welcoming the newest addition to their team.  Thanks to Hong Kong’s Stanley Dragon Boat Association, members of Pershore’s club, The Fallen Angels, have a new drum to assist them in their training.  The club received the drum in March but chose 22nd June, or Tuen Ng Festival, as the auspicious day to celebrate their good fortune. In an official ceremony, the Mayor of Pershore, Councillor Chris Parsons, OBE, was delighted to receive the drum on the club's behalf.  

Before her visit to Hong Kong in March, The Fallen Angels’ club spokesman Keith Burton asked new crewmember Meg Capel to enquire about obtaining an authentic Hong Kong drum for the Pershore team. Meg's daughter, Melissa Fordham is a teacher in Hong Kong and a member of the English Language Commentating Team at the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Races in Stanley.   

Melissa relayed her mother’s request to Edwin Hou of the Stanley Dragon Boat Association.  Mr. Hou was delighted to learn that dragon boat racing is becoming increasingly popular in UK.  As a gesture of goodwill and fraternity, Mr. Alson Wong the Chairman of  the Association promptly decided to donate a magnificent drum to the Pershore club. Meg managed to get the sizable drum home with kind assistance from airline staff both in Hong Kong and UK., who were equally surprised at the gift. 

The Fallen Angels are grateful for the SDBA’s generosity and Meg’s hard work.  To learn more about The Fallen Angels, and to view photos of the drum, visit the club’s website at

Team Captain Henry shoke hands with the Mayor Chris Parsons, OBE, during the official ceremony



2004年當香港正在慶祝端午 佳節時,同一時間在地球的另一邊,遙遠的英格蘭伍斯特郡裡的一個小鎮珀肖爾(Pershore),當地的龍舟俱樂部正歡欣地接一個新成員。多得 香港赤柱龍舟協會的協助,珀肖爾當地名為Fallen Angels (墜落天使)的成員,可以擁有一個全新龍舟大鼓幫助訓練。該會本來在三月時已收到那新鼓,但選擇到6月22日,即端午節正日那天才為此吉運慶祝一番。他們安排了一次移交式 ,並請來珀肖爾市長克里斯•帕森斯士代表該會正式接收該鼓(見圖)

話說三月時,Fallen Angels的會方發言人伯頓得悉新隊員Meg Capel 要到香港一遊,特意要求她打聽一下如何為珀肖爾購置一個真正地道的香港龍舟鼓。Meg的女兒梅麗莎(Melissa Fordham)正於香港任教,也正是赤柱龍舟競渡大會的英語評述小組成員。梅麗莎把她母親的請求轉告赤柱龍舟協會的侯先生。侯因得知龍舟運 動在英國日益普而歡喜。主席王錦泉很快就決定免費相贈,以示友好。得到香港和英國機場人員的友善協助,Meg成功地把這個大鼓運回英國。兩地機場人員都為這件大禮物感到驚呀。

   Fallen Angels 感激赤柱龍舟會協會慷慨相贈,也感謝Meg的努力。要進一步了解Fallen Angels 隊及觀看那鼓的相片,請到該會網頁




>> 赤柱龍舟協會另有其他贈品往外地地作親善大使   Read: Other gifts from SDBA as an ambassador of love from HK




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