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Request for copyright concerning graphics and material in this site should be sent to
the Stanley Residents Assn.




2004 Official video clip




More 2001 photos - high resolution

Photos of 2002 Races
2002 photos of Short Course Invitational cum Tin Hau Festival

Click for more Photos of 2001:1, 2, 3,
( courtesy photos of HK Amateur Radio Communication Assn.- VR2HAM)

* RTHK's webcast of the Stanley event 2001 long video clips

Old photos 2000, 1999 :

Enjoyment at the warm-up area , Stanley Link Road (Team Sea Gods)
Choose more old photos: 1. (奪標激情) Winning Joy
2000 2. (騰龍逐浪) Splashing
  3. (歡度佳節) festival fun
  4. (群策群力) Officials' enthusiasm

Photo Competition

Will you take any photo or slide for the Stanley Dragon-boat Races this year? Are you willing to let others share the results of your talent in photography? If yes, then send us your work.


(1)Your work will be chosen for the Race poster,web page &/or for the Race brochure next year. (2)Three complimentary copies of the 40-page coloured souvenir race Programme Brochure. (3 ) special award will be presented at the next race.


Organized by: Stanley Residents Association
96 Stanley Main Street, Stanley, Hong Kong
Telephone:(852)2813 0564 , 2813 2586 Fax:28135704
