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參賽隊總表 Team List 2002

截至5月23日止, 己有140 隊報名
( as of 23/5/2002, so far already 140 confirmed entries )


貴隊仍可趕及贊助建船,名稱或公司徽號印船上。(所有贊助事宜請向秘書處查詢,參賽費可退回 )

please check below the accuracy of your team & organistion name which should be bilingual; if there is no Chinese / English name yet, pls submit "as soon as possible" .

Your team can still opt for adopting the boats with your company name/logo printed on the boat and entry fee waived. Contact us for details of sponsorship.

(Bilingual text- Standard Chinese characters in Big5 Codes) TEXT FILES (純文字檔案)

華籍男子組 2002 Chinese Men Teams
外籍男子組 Expatriate Men Teams
女子組 Ladies Teams





參賽隊總表 Team List 2001


(9/6/01修訂資料 ) 欲罷不能,新知舊雨,盛情難卻,請見諒。加上今年已訂製10 艘新船,故決定上限一再更改為143隊。原先上限 為130隊 ! 已截止,多謝多謝支持 !真不想再接受報名。明年請早。

──6月16日統計: 華男52+1隊; 外男67隊;女子24-1隊•


(9/6/2001) Sorry, cannot let down old friends and new, we have to push further the limit again and again to 143. (We have ordered 10 new boats to be used on race day, allowing us to push further the ceiling of entries to such extent.) Will NOT accept any more entries. Be early next year.

Highly over booked and exceeds our original ceiling of 130. Thank you everyone ! Hurray !
A new record, guys !

- Statistics (as per 9 June): Chinese Men 52+1, Expat Men 67, Ladies 24-1 entries.


last update 16/6/2001 最新修訂:

C 1 Taikoo Shing Dragon Boat Team 太古城龍舟隊 Taikoo Shing ( Management ) Ltd.
C 2 Li Seng 利成 Li Seng
C 3 High Flyers 聯合航空公司 United Airlines Inc.
C 4 Bayer China Co. Ltd. 拜耳中國有限公司 Bayer China Co. Ltd.
C 5 HK Magazine (HK雜誌) Asia City Publishing Group
C 6 California Dragon 加州龍
(後補_late substitute entry 6/6/2001)
加州健身中心 Califronia Fitness Center
C6己改為--> 外籍E67)
C 7 Monitor Lizards Monitor Group
C 8 The HK Sea School (A) 香港航海學校 The HK Sea School
C 9 The HK Sea School (B) 香港航海學校 The HK Sea School
C10 HKMA 香港管理專業協會 The HK Management Assn.
C11 Island Shangri-La Hong Kong 港島香格里拉大酒店 Island Shangri-La Hong Kong
C12 Raleigh International Hong Kong 國際雷利香港 Raleigh International HK
C13 MVA Hong Kong Ltd. 弘達交通顧問有限公司 MVA Hong Kong Ltd.
C14 Green Watch Octopus Green Watch
C15 Richards Butler 齊伯禮律師行 Richards Butler
C16 Deacons Dragon 的近律師行 Deacons
C17 Dow Chemical 陶氏化學 Dow Chemical Pacific Ltd.
C18 博藝會•德藝會 Spotlight Recreation Club and Telford RC Spotlight Recreation Club and Telford Recreation Club
C19 PCCW 電訊盈科 PCCW
C20 Lee Kum Kee 李錦記1 Lee Kum Kee (Hong Kong) Foods Ltd.
C21 Midas Kapiti International Ltd. Midas Kapiti International Ltd.
C22 Seb Asia Seb Asia Ltd.
C23 CW 23 Sports Collection 赤龍  
C24 Warriors 滑水龍 University of Waterloo Alumni Assn 滑鐵盧大學舊生會
C25 Jones Day Dragons 眾達國際法律事務所 Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue
C26 Media Dragons 1 路透集團 Reuters HK Ltd.
C27 Connecting Mobility A "" 在新世界 A Nokia, New World Mobility
C28 Connecting Mobility B "" 在新世界 B Nokia, New World Mobility
C29 C S D Sports Assn 懲教署体育會 Correctional Services Department
C30 Zen Pacific Heroes 亞太建設 Zen Pacific Construction Ltd.
C31 University of Toronto Alumni Assn 多倫多大學舊生會 University of Toronto Alumni Assn
C32 South Horizons Dragon Boat Team 海怡半島龍舟隊 South Horizons Residents Club
C33 Wei Lun Hall 偉倫堂 香港大學偉倫堂 Wei Lun Hall, HK University
C34 New York Life 紐約人壽 New York Life Insurance Worldwide Ltd.
C35 San Miguel Fresh Dragon 生力新鮮龍 San Miguel Brewery Hong Kong Ltd.
C36 Hewlett Packard 惠普 Hewlett Packard Asia Pacific Ltd.
C37 Hong Kong Society of Accountants 香港會計師公會 Hong Kong Society of Accountants
C38 The Raging Rowers 奮進龍  
C39 Arthur Andersen 安達信 Arthur Andersen
C40 The HK Institute of Surveyors 香港測量師學會 The HK Institute of Surveyors
C41 Bloomberg 彭博資訊 Bloomberg L P
C42 Looney Tunes 時代華納 AOL Time Warner
C43 Stanley Caritas Voluntary Group 赤柱明愛青少年義工團 Caritas Integrated Services for Young People, Stanley
C44 Iss Clown Doctor ( 小丑醫生) Iss Servi System (HK) Ltd.
C45 Tiger Toys 泰嘉玩具 Tiger Electronics Far East Ltd.
C46 Carnegie's Rams 銅鑼灣公羊 Causeway Bay Rugby Football Club
C47 University Hall 大學堂 University of Hong Kong
C48 Stanley Sports Association 赤柱體育會  
C49 Lee Kum Kee 2 李錦記 2 Lee Kum Kee (Hong Kong) Foods Ltd
C50 Swire Properties Ltd. 太古地產 Swire Properties Ltd.
C51 Windsurfing Association of HK 香港滑浪風帆會 WAHK
C52 Western District Police 警察西區總區 HK Police
C53 Media Dragons 3 路透集團3 Reuters HK Ltd. _________(orgianally L15, 原為 L15 )





E 1 The Baker Boys 貝克麥堅時 Baker & McKenzie
E 2 The Ark Angels 富而德律師事務所 Freshfields
E 3 Aqua-Ducks 安建 Atkins China Ltd. 安建
E 4 Swiss Men 瑞士男子隊 Swiss Association of Hong Kong
E 5 The Union Des Francais A' L' Etranger (UFE) Dragons UFE
E 6 White & Case 偉凱律師事務所 White & Case, Solicitors
E 7 Mallesons Stephen Jaques 萬世基律師行 Mallesons Stephen Jaques
E 8 Crouching Barlows Sinking Dragon 博禮祈律師事務所 Barlow Lyde Gilbert
E9 Merrill Marines 美帥 Merrill Lynch ( Asia Pacific) Ltd
E10 P & O Nedlloyd Dragons P&O Nedlloyd 鐵行船務
E11 The Dirty Dick's Memorial Team 喇渣阿的號 The Self Preservation Society
E12 Goldman's Gondolier A 高盛 Goldman Sachs (Asia) LLC
E13 Bachy Soletanche Group 法國地基建築公司 Bachy Soletanche Group
E14 Sea Gods 海神 Circus Capital
E15 Prudential Corporation Asia 英國保誠集團 Prudential Corporation Asia
E16 Loreley 暴風女神  
E17 The American Club 美國會所 The American Club
E18 Lucent Technologies 朗訊科技 Lucent Technologies
E19 RR Donnelley Lamma Dragons 南丫龍 Lamma Dragons Dragonboat Team 南丫龍龍舟會
E20 Linklaters In Paine 年利達律師事務所 Linklaters & Alliance
E21 Scott Wilson 偉信顧問(香港)有限公司 Scott Wilson (HongKong) Ltd.
E22 Lovells 路衛 Lovells
E23 British Consulate-General 英國領事館 British Consulate-General
E24 Morgan Stanley - Blue 摩根士丹利(藍隊) Morgan Stanley
E25 Morgan Stanley - Green 摩根士丹利 (綠隊) Morgan Stanley
E26 The Liechtenstein Princely Navy 列支敦士登皇家水兵 LGT Bank In Liechtenstein (列支敦士登LGT銀行)
E27 American Consulate Generals 美國領事館 U.S. Consulate Generals
E28 The Belgian Dragon 比利時龍 The Belgian Club (比利時會)
E29 Anzacs 安撒司 Australian Association of HK (香港澳洲人會)
E30 Tai Tam Tigers 大潭老虎  
E31 Level 3 Communications Level 3 Communications Ltd.
E32 Credit Suisse First Boston 瑞士信貸第一波士頓 Credit Suisse First Boston
E33 Valley Red Bullets 快活谷紅色子彈 Valley Rugby Football Club (快活谷欖球會)
E34 Herbert Smith Herbert Smith Solicitors
E35 Bondi Diggers -Asia Miles ( 邦戴的格) Bondi Diggers Dragonboat Club
E36 Dumez GTM-Chun Wo J V 法國杜美- 俊和聯營 Dumez GTM-Chun Wo Joint Venture
E37 Simmons & Simmons 西蒙斯 Simmons & Simmons
E38 HK Japanese Club 香港日本人俱樂部 HK Japanese Club
E39 The British Dragons 英國龍  
E40 Royal X- Men 香港遊艇會 Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club
E41 Jackaroos (積拿露絲) Australian Assn of HK (香港澳洲人會)
E42 Media Dragons 1 路透集團1 Reuters HK Ltd.
E43 Clifford Chance 高偉紳律師行 Clifford Chance
E44 Dutch Men 荷蘭隊 Nederlandse Vereniging
E46 Dresdner Bank 德累斯登銀行 Dresdner Bank
E47 French International School 法國國際學校 French International School
E48 Lola-Tinos Nvestra Gente
E49 JSM Master Strokers 孖士打 Johnson Stokes & Master
E50 Maersk Hong Kong Ltd. 馬士基集團香港有限公司 Maersk Hong Kong Ltd.
E51 Finnish Dragons 芬蘭龍 The Finnish Business Council (芬蘭商會)
E52 Gammon 金門 Gammon Construction Ltd. 金門建築公司
E53 Ion Global Hawaii O5 Heros (夏威夷05英雄)  
E54 Ion Global Hawaii O5 Legends (夏威夷05傳奇)  
E55 Crouching Steppers Hidden Movers Futurestep Hong Kong Ltd & Board Moves
E56 Star Group Ltd. 衛星電視有限公司 Star Group Ltd. [Star TV]
E57 Smugglers Inn 走私客 Smugglers Inn
E58 Rowe And Maw Rowe And Maw
E59 The Buzz  
E60 Kier Hong Kong Ltd.  
E61 The Boathouse Bandits  
E62 American Chamber 美國商會 American Chamber of Commerce
E63 Coudert Brothers 高特兄弟律師事務所 Coudert Brothers
E64 Carnegie's Pirates 銅鑼灣海盜 Causeway Bay Rugby Football Club (銅鑼灣欖球會)
E65 Deutsche Bank 德意志銀行 Deutsche Bank
E66 AFS Intercultural Exchanges   國際文化交流學生 AFS Intercultural Exchanges 
E67 UBS Warburg 瑞銀華寶 UBS AG _________(orgianally C6, 原為 C6 )





L 1 Billabong Babes The Dublin Jack (都柏林阿積)
L 2 Swiss Ladies 瑞士女子隊 Swiss Association of Hong Kong (香港瑞士人會)
L 3 Baker Babes 貝克麥堅時 Baker & McKenzie
L 4 Lamma Happy Dragons 南丫快樂龍 Lamma Happy Dragons
L 5 Goldman's Gondolier B 高盛 Goldman Sachs (Asia) LLC
L 6 The American Women's Assn 美國婦女會 The American Women's Association
L 7 Harmonie 和諧 German Sperking Ladies Group (德語婦女組)
L 8 Ming Ducks 明德醫院 The Matilda Hospital
L 9 Jillaroos 茱娜露絲 Australian Assn. of Hong Kong (澳洲人會)
L10 博藝會•德藝會 Spotlight Recreation Club and Teleford RC Spotlight Recreation Club and Teleford Recreation Club
L 11 Valley Red Bullettes 快活谷紅色子彈 Valley Rugby Football Club (快活谷欖球會)
L12 Bondi Diggettes -Asia Miles (邦戴的格) Bondi Diggers Dragon Boat Club
L 13 The HK Japanese Club 日本人俱樂部女子隊 The HK Japanese Club Ltd.
L14 Royal X- Women 香港遊艇會 Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club
L15   己改為 changed to--> 華籍男C53
L16 Latin Dragons 拉丁龍 Spanish Speaking Womens Association
L17 Dutch Men 荷蘭隊 Nederlandse Vereniging
L18 Star Group Ltd. 衛星電視有限公司 Star Group Ltd. [Star TV]
L19 French International School 法國國際學校 French International School
L20 Woodland Warriors Woodland Group of Pre-Schools
L21 Wei Lun Hall 偉倫堂 香港大學偉倫堂 Wei Lun Hall, HKU
L22 Smugglers Inn 走私客 Smugglers Inn
L23 S & M Thomson Legal & Regulatory / Sweet & Maxwell Asia
L24 Valley Red Bullettes II 快活谷紅色子彈 II ______(late entry) Valley Rugby Football Club (快活谷欖球會)

Over-subscribed ! ! !  超額喇 !

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