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I'm pretty long winded as you'll soon find out. :) If you'd rather not read on, here's a point-form version which seems to be more popular among you guys. If this one is more descriptive, that one is... shall we say, more interactive. Pictures and such, you know.

Hey there. My name is Lau Choon Seng, for the uninitiated. I'm a Malaysian youth, born and currently residing in the modest city of Ipoh, which makes me a true-blue Ipohan. I am better known, in the net at least, as Ezekiel^, a nick I've had since 1997. I am super-popular among my friends, or at least that's the impression I was given. Heh. :) I created this website for a simple reason: to see if I can do it. And, what do you know, I've had about a hundred visitors already, so thanks a lot.

Want another reason? Well, to quote Zach de la Rocha from the song "Guerrila Radio", here goes:
"It has to start somewhere
It has to start sometime
What better place than here
What better time than now."

I'm an Arien. You know, the ram. So, according this little book I'm holding, I'm supposed to be charming, romantic (am I?), direct, benevolent and generous. Contrary to that, I'm also impatient (in my case, very), aggresive, arrogant, and I always think I'm right. So if I have ever openly displayed any of my negative qualities, then what the hey, it's in my nature, blame my starsign. I'm not directly telling you my birthday, but if anyone's remotely interested, I share my birthday with Leonard Nimoy and Diana Ross. That's all I'm saying.

I'll tell you a bit about what I like doing. First off, I'm a movie maniac. I think this is because it is the best escapist pastime I can think of, and also a great way to spend time with friends. Throw anything at me and I will watch it, with the exception of those with monkeys and/or 10 year old kids in the leading role. My favourite film of all-time has to be Pulp Fiction, the 1994 Quentin Tarantino masterpiece. And it is from this movie that I got my nick. See, the character played by Samuel L. Jackson, Jules, would quote from the Bible, Ezekiel 25:17 to be exact, before blowing some unlucky soul away. I just thought it was so cool. For a little bit more info on the movie, check out my mini Pulp Fiction tribute page. My other favourite movies include The Shawshank Redemption, Phenomenon, Titanic (almost a no-brainer), Edward Scissorhands, Fargo, Face/Off and Scream, so you'd pretty much know what kind of movies I go for. I have a special place for indie movies, and try to watch the lot of them if I'm in the right state of mind.

I also listen to a lot of music. My taste is primarily alternative rock, but I also listen to a little pop. Not boyband pop, mind you, but proper pop, like Pet Shop Boys and Sting. My favourite bands are Oasis, Garbage, Mansun (anyone heard of them before?), U2, Radiohead and Suede. I used to like The Presidents Of The U.S.A. a whole lot too, until they upped and split last year. In 1999, as a rather hectic year for me, I've turned to the awesome genre of rap-rock as release. And, if anyone's listening, I'll recommend you Limp Bizkit, Kid Rock and Rage Against The Machine straight off.

I've not always been a couch potato, goodness knows I'm busy/bored enough as it is to resort to this. The only things that keep me glued to the TV these days are professional wrestling, music videos and comedies. That 70's Show is my favourite programme so far. "Whoa, free beer!" :)

I do some reading when I have the time for it. Anything just to pass the time. I read fantasy novels, Japanese guides, Stephen King, Mick Foley's autobiography, and some other varied knick-knacks. Lately it seems more difficult to sit through a whole book since my attention span is comparable to that of a bored farm animal. Moo.

The rest of my free time is spent using the computer. I call my Pentium 450 the "other best friend". Serious, I can't think of how I can live without this baby. I use it for playing games, most of it being Quake clones, typing letters to my pen pals, surfing the net for movie info, keeping contact with my friends with ICQ, listening to MP3 tunes, and, well, also working on this homepage. And ever since I got my hands on Bleem, a PlayStation emulator, even more hours are spent in front of this hunk of microchips. I'm not complaining one bit.

Told you it would take a while to read through this. Please, move on, take a look at the other pages I have and tell me how cool they are. :P I welcome all sorts of feedback, but please, if you spam me, I'll literally knock the socks off you.

Oh, and have a nice day. Be seeing you.

January Y2K.

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