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About my family

The majority of my family live in Merseyside and as far as anyone can remember both my mothers and my fathers family have lived in Liverpool, although their names suggest originally different backgrounds.
I have one brother David who is four years younger than me, he was born on February 6th 1978. My Parents were married in October 1973.
My Mum was born on March 10th 1954,the youngest of Eight children (the two eldest who died in infancy). My dad, 'Kenneth Nicholas Pulford' was born on October 25th 1953, the eldest of two children. As expected my Mothers side of the family is the largest. I have nineteen cousins, seventeen of whom are half Brennan. My maternal Grandmother, Bridget Brennan (nee Jones) was born on May 20th 1915 and died on March 2nd 1993. Her husband Thomas Brennan was born in 1912 and died in 1973. He was in the Merchant Navy durning WW2 and served in the Battle of the Atlantic.
My fathers parents are of practically a different generation to my mothers and and are approaching seventy, they live in Childwall, Liverpool. My Grandads name is also Kenneth Pulford, my Nan is called Elsie Pulford (nee Boschen).
Like many Liverpool families both my fathers parents and my mothers were brought up in the Scotland Road area of Liverpool which is not far from where I have now moved to. The Second World War and 60's clearance has changed this part of the city beyond recognition. The area once well known for it's sense of community was torn apart as families were moved from often old and poor living conditions to new housing much of which was being built on the 'countryside' at the edge of the city.
I am in the process of finding out more about my ancestors. Although I know a lot about my family and the people who first bore the names 'Pulford' and 'Brennan' I would like to find out more about those people who had those names in the years between then and now. Keep visiting to find out more.

On the left is my Great Uncle, Robert, who was my Nan's younger brother. Nobody seems to know who the other person is.
This picture was taken sometime in the 1940's in the 'Vauxhall' area of Liverpool which is near where I live now. Things have changed a lot since the time the photo was taken but it is nice to feel I am returning to my roots by taking the family back up Eldon Road. Some people have mentioned how similar Bobby and I look, but I can't really see it!

Hundreds of years ago the ‘Pulfords’ lived in the Cheshire village of Pulford as lords of the manor, in possession of an ancestral home and acres of land. My mothers maiden name ‘Brennan’ belonged to a clan who were seen as one of the most prominent in northern Kilkenny, Ireland. Said to have decsended from the Vikings the Brennans held onto Kilkenny for 500 years until the English to laid claim to their land. The new rulers were now the English ruling class, of which the Pulford’s and their descendents were a part.
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