Kalaturru and Kurgarru

Icons from the beginning of recorded civilization (the earliest written manuscript), Kalaturru and Kurgarru were guardians of the elements of Life. They descended to the underworld to raise the Queen of Heaven from the dead and escort her back to the land of the living. Kalaturru and Kurgarru are sacred healers who distribute the sacremental elements of Life and deliver resurrection and rebirth to the lost.

Neither male nor female, these creatures were created by Enki, the Wise to be guardians of Life; to rescue Inanna. Descending to the underworld, they sprinkled the Food of life and Water of Life on the corpse of Inanna. Thus, they bring her resurrection and escort her back to the land of the living.

Kalaturru - Spirit of Earth; guardian of the Food of Life

Kurgarru - Spirit of the Sea and Lake and Stream; guardian of the Water of Life

Note: See Asushunamir for the Babylonian version of this sacred story.

The Sumerian Pantheon

No Title

Marcus Karlsson's Tale of the Sleep of ISHTAR

Of the Sleep of ISHTAR

Kalaturru and Kurgarru by Chris Paige; https://www.angelfire.com/on/otherwise/kalaturr.html

Visit: Chris Paige

Email: Chris Paige

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