
Welcome to the Land of OtherWise...


Understanding the OtherWise... by Chris Paige

I bring you greetings and welcome from the Sacred OtherWise
For they have been waiting to welcome you home...


OtherWise Elders and Saints compiled by Chris Paige

As we discover and name the OtherWise here and now
we also look to the ancestors
to see what travelers before us have called them...


Understanding Ourselves...

You will discover what it is like to be exiled from your homeland, persecuted for your true nature and unable to express the sublime beauty welling forth from your soul.

For those of us who live at the shoreline
standing upon the constant edges of decision
crucial and alone

To laugh is the greatest subversion, for hollow institutions rely on pomp to hide impotence.


On Finding Community...

The term "Komo" ...suggests the journey that each of us makes, as we learn to trust our own journey toward Godde/Spirit. A journey that we cannot make alone.

If you perceive it... the fire burns.

We are all longing to go home to some place we have never been ... A circle of friends. Someplace where we can be free.

We're not looking for blind obedience. We're looking for people, who on their own initiative, want to be doing what they're doing because they consider it to be a worthy objective.


On Joy...

Arise ye gentle faerie folk, Let nothing you dismay
The world has need of faerie dust, To cheer December's way

For the joyful dance of the soul is a Spirited resistance to the forces of death.

You wouldn't think it would be so easy to forget...

Sung to the tune of "These Are a Few of my Favorite Things."


On the Journey Home...

And so rest in the holy hurricane. Dive deep into the grips of this powerful, raging storm.... Embrace your faerie wings. For this is what we were born to do...

Don't you see it? It's beautiful!


OtherWise Gender and Identity Reflections...

Christina Sabrina... Discovering a Butch Lesbian Drag Queen

A Guy named "Barb"

I am a survivor of the violence and terrorism of nonconsensual gender.

To be a transsexual is a magical, wondrous thing...

Dedicated to educating churchfolk, supporting Transfolk, nurturing the expression of the sacred OtherWise ...

The Gospels portray a Jesus who refused to conform to the guidelines of religious and political authorities...


OtherWise Relationship and Orientation Reflections...

God created us as sexual beings. As God-given gifts, our sexualities should be approached with humility and awe...


Biblical Reflections

And we must let this passionate energy of God out of our heads and into our lives where it can grow...

Jesus will rock our world ...
So, let the Spirit of Life be the only thing we cling to.

Shall not the oppressed of all the earth do our best? Will we do what good we can with what we've been given? We are responsible. No amount of victimhood takes that away.

Reading the Bible from a gay perspective, I repeatedly find my story in its pages.


Writings of the Prophets

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Audre Lorde, Dorothy Day, Mahatma Gandhi, Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi, Zora Neale Hurston, Alice Walker, Dr. Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, Dr. bell hooks


For more about the Contributors on this page...

Chris Paige, John Linscheid, Ken M. White, Barb Greve, Jennifer Diane Reitz, Sunchild, The Other Side, Jerry Tapley, Audre Lorde, Brad Colby; Amy Miller


- Thank you for visiting the Land of OtherWise! -


For questions about this site, contact: Chris Paige

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