On-line Works by Audre Lorde

"For Each of You"

"A Litany for Survival"

"Recreation" and an excerpt from "From the House of Yemanja"

"Making Love to Concrete"


"The Electric Slide Boogie"

Several Poems from Audre Lorde


"Love Poem"


"Black Mother Woman"


The Collected Poems of Audre Lorde, Chapter 1

Several Poems from Audre Lorde

"Power" by Audre Lorde

"On a Night of the Full Moon"

Includes two poems by Audre Lorde


About Audre Lorde:

A Tribute to Audre Lorde - More details

Remember Audre Lorde

A Litany for Survival by POV


search on Audre Lorde

Audre Lorde on-line by Chris Paige; https://www.angelfire.com/on/otherwise/lorde.html

Visit: Chris Paige

Email: Chris Paige

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