Over My Head
The Faerie Circle

By Chris Paige


I am overcome.

I went to church this morning (as i am prone to do) and we always have the "circle of prayer" -- which has always been a powerful part of the service and one thing people always remember about Tab.

Patricia preached this sermon that resonated powerfully (as she is prone to do). About facing the shadow -- which is where the transformation comes, in places we are OtherWise afraid to go.

The way is prepared in the desert/wilderness. We must face the darkness that frightens us. For it is there that we will find the coming light.

And I know I must've seemed a Contradiction as she talked about facing the darkness and the desert and the fearful, dangerous places. Because I nodded and grinned and wanted to laugh and sing out "preach it girl."

Because, you see, I knew what she was calling "desert/wilderness" was simply the holy hurricane. And I knew that in the arms of this great wind, there is so much more joy than can even be found standing here on the ground.

And wouldn't I look just crazy -- rushing gleefully into that dangerous "desert."

And afterwards, I stood in the circle of prayer and saw the hurricane full of fairies -- swirling and twirling over our heads. And as I looked at the people across the circle holding hands

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It was like they had wings -- and I could see them. And it was beautiful.

And it is already done. And it is already surrounding us. And it is much larger than 9 or 12 or 50 or 500. It is beyond queer and straight. Beyond male and female. Beyond Christian and nonChristian.

It is the cloud of witnesses. And I could see it, full and beautiful. And I looked up and I laughed and I smiled -- no, grinned from ear to ear. For it was all too real.

And I prayed and translated it into something that people could understand. I didn't say "faerie" -- but if I thought they would understand, I would have simply said that I was thankful. So thankful for the great faerie hurricane hovering over our heads and lifting up into its embrace.

Don't you see it?

And I wanted to shout out to them:

"I wish you could see yourself!
Do you see how beautiful you are?
You faerie children of the hurricane?
Do you see your wings?
Do you see how you rise up off the ground when we stand together in this circle?
Do you see it?"

And I wanted to say "thank you" to them. I wanted to thank them for coming into the circle and letting go. Even just as much as they already have. For trying to find the words and the actions to fly.

And how hard it must be to be for us, trying to fly, but not knowing we are meant to fly. Not knowing that we are faeries with wings that only need to be unfurled.

And so we walk around on the ground and leap and frolic and float once in a while -- but always we think we have to come back down and land on the ground. because you know there is gravity and everything that goes up must come down. And perhaps even our creativity must still be decent and in order. And that is "reality" and the way things are.

But the way you think it is may not be the way it is at all. And gravity is really only as powerful as we allow it to be. And you only need to take out your faerie wings and exercise them a little bit to realize the truth of it.

And then the postlude was done and the people were in the various pews and roaming about. And the circle was broken. And faeries were strewn about here and there. And the wings were harder to see as they were sitting and talking about.

But they were still there, sometimes folded, sometimes covered up. Until the next time when we will gather in a faerie circle again.

And it is simply about finding the place in our own perception to see it.
To feel it.
To trust it and believe in it.
To find the ways to talk about it.
To feel the breeze of the hurricane on our faces as we stand in the doorway of our own houses.

Blessed be!

"Over My Head" by Chris Paige; https://www.angelfire.com/on/otherwise/overhead.html

Visit: Chris Paige

Email: Chris Paige

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