Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi

Jalal Ud-din Rumi was born into a wealthy family in what is now Ahghanistan. The family slowly migrated southwestward into modern Turkey to escape Mongol invasions. As an adult, he was standing one day by a goldbeater's shop, repeating the name of God, when he was caught into ecstasy.

He heard the name of God in every sound and began to whirl. Later, he founded the Mevlevi Sufi Order, asl known as the Whirling Dervishes. His followers repeat, "There is no God, but God as they turn in circles. They empty their hearts of all but the thought of God and whirl in the ecstatic movement of God's breath.

Rumi is often called the Sultan of Love. He taught that love flies into the divine presence, while philosophy and theology lag slowly along dusty roads. He is considered the greatest Sufi poet in the Persian language, and his book, the Masnawi, is called the Persian Koran.

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Rumi and Sufism, incl. Books I and II (which hold roughly a third of the 25632 lines) of the six books of Mathnawi

Selected Poems

From Mariam's Poetry Pack

Selected Poems translated by Coleman Barks

Rumi on-line by Chris Paige;

Visit: Chris Paige

Email: Chris Paige

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