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* becuase you, too, can curl anything *


So you have the rattiest horse or pony in the history of toys. There is NO WAY this will ever be nice again, you say to your self. No way in Ponyland! Horse feathers, my friend! All Shara here needs is a little trip to the re-curling salon...


Ta-da! With a little TLC, Shara returns to her former beauty :) And what a beauty!

How to Curl
in Three Easy Steps
(and I don't mean the sport ;)

1. Thoroughlly wash and condition the pony or horse's hair. If it's really ratty, let the conditioner soak a few minutes, and then brush the hair while it's still in. Rinse.

2. Assemble your artinery! You will need a pen or a chopstick (depending on the size of curl) and bobby pins. Lots of bobby pins. Begin by taking a strand of wet hair, looking carefully to see wich way the origonal curl went. If you can't tell, that's fine, too; just make sure all your curls wrap in the same direction.

3. Place the back of the pen against the pony's neck, and begin to wrap the hair smoothly down the length, as far as it needs to go. If the curl dosn't work the first time, curl, and curl again! When you have a great ringlet, slowly, carefully, slip the pen down and out, being careful not to distort your curl. Secure a bobby pin along the ringlet from the bottom up. For large or long curls, you might need two. starting from opposite ends. Repeat.

4. Okay, I lied; four easy steps. And this is the easist step of all. Simply, leave your pony or horse to sit over night, or longer. Then take out the bobby pins. Viola! Be-a-utiful hair! If the curls are too tight, don't fret, and DON'T try to brush them out (you will be left with frizz!) The curls will soften in a day or so as gravety takes its natural course. Now all that's left to do is give your newly-curled equine a proper place on the shelf!

Now go out there and CURL SOMETHING!

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