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Everyone has a pony of there dreams.... By this I mean, everyone has imagined a pony, a pony that didn't exist, but for you was as real as all the Bowties and Apple Jacks. And some of us just plain dreamed them. (Heck, I had a dream that preshadowed the introduction of the TAF ponies (actually, that was a rather wierd dream, involving me on the board of directors, as all sorts of ideas were being thrown forth to may MLP's "more interesting, and twice the fun!" Many ideas, such as the two-tailed pony were disgarded, until finally it was decided on a pony with a twice-as-fancy symbol. I have wierd dreams ;)

Anyway, customizing beaten up ol' ponies was my way of saving a once cherished toy from disaster, and giving life to a long silent memory... or two! The resulting herd lives in these pages. I welcome you to frolic awhile amoung the almost-was-nots, but now are...

Thank you Jenn for taking this picture!

"Hullo! I'm Wineberry, at your service! Welcome to the Custom Parade!
Along the way you'll meet all the ponies, those misplaced, misremembered, and just plain 'never-before-seen' in all of pony land.
I hope you enjoy your trip!""

As this is a gallery site, the pages have a lot of pictures and might take a bit of time to load on slow modem connection like mine. Please bare with me, the ponies are worth the wait :) Enjoy!

The Ponies of Whimsy's Place

See the International Pony Day Ponies!

Custom Ponies

Mom and Baby Pairs

Baby Ponies

Mini Ponies!

The Pixie Ponies

Here's Baby Snowflake, watching a wintery white circus pony prance among the swirling leaves. There are quite a few "odd" ponies - ponies never made - that turn up in MLP graphics and books. There are a few more odities in Finder's Keeper's; if you spot any strange ponies, let me know!

Want to learn how to curl pony hair like in the pictures? Click here!

Email Me!

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