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Uh oh!

A Waggleby has eaten this page!

Welcome to the Waggleby Adoption Centre!

What is a Waggleby?
One day, I noticed something odd was happening to my site. My usually neat and tidy pages were amuck with nibbled pages, lost threads, and broken links! What could have done this? So I looked... and I found... a Waggleby.

The Waggleby is a small, furry creature, a distant cousin to the Dust Bunny. They love warm places, unexplored pages, and a snuggly lap. They also love to eat. A lot. (Actually, there's very little a Waggleby won't eat.) Wagglebys are naturally found in the deep, warm caverns of Fraggle Rock, but a few curious critters seemed to have found their way onto my page.

Too Many Wagglebies!
Pretty soon, my page was over run by Wagglebies! I had but one hope to save this site from total munchdown... Put these cute little critters up for adoption :) I wrangled all the Wagglebies I could find onto this page, where they're eagerly waiting to go home with you!

Waggleby Care
All a Waggleby needs is a place to roam and lots of love! Oh, and seven meals a day would be good, too. They like bright colours and round, shiny objects. They sleep very lightly. And if you find a file's gone missing or link has been chewed... that's probably the Waggleby. Yet when a Waggleby turns those bright eyes on you and wags his tail, somehow, everything is all right :)

If you should want a Waggleby...
So, you've read the warning, weighed the consequences, but you can't seem to get that cute furry critter out of your head. You've decided you want one for very own. Terrific! There are lots to choose from, just waiting for you to take them home. All you need to do is:
1. choose a Waggleby
2. name your Waggleby
3. give me a shout ( I can send your Waggleby home to you!
Your certificate will look like this:

Adopted Feb 2/2001

Adoption Center

Your certificate can be transparent (so you can see your background) or opaque. It will also link other backs to this page, so everone who sees your Waggleby can have one of thier very own! And, of course, your name will be added to Adopt-a Waggleby Registry. Enjoy!


To help keep this site unique, please do not copy or alter the Wagglebys without permission. Thanks! Have a wonderful Waggleby day!

PS - Can you find the other Wagglebies hiding on these pages?

Whimsy's Place Raventyde's Isle