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Softly I hear you whisper to me....

I turn to find you gone...

As I leave the room I smell your scent....

For it lingers on your clothes....

Your picture holds your image close....

With a smile that still shines out....

The laughter in your eyes pulls at my heart....

Its all of you that remains with me....

I ache with longing to touch your face....

To hold you close once more....

My eyes are red from crying.....

Coldness seems to fill my soul....

The world is far away....

I don't know the day, the time, the hour....

Whether it is raining or sunny....

I hear no birds, though I'm sure they are there...

Do not really care about tomorrow....

It will only bring the pain anew....

Friends and family all draw near....

To comfort and console me....

I love them dearly and all they do....

But numbness fills my soul....

I do not want to know the how or why....

Or to even comprehend that you're gone....

I only want to turn back time....

To hold you once again....

Tell you that I love you ....

Look in your eyes and see them shine....

With laughter, life and joy....

Instead warm memories surround me....

They keep you close in my heart....

As long as I hold on to them....

You will always be alive and safe....

Here within my heart...

Author: Katty Kane
