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~o~ YOUR ANGEL ~o~

I watch over you from morning to night....

When your pain becomes to much to bear....

Softly I enfold you within my wings....

Holding you close while feeling your pain....

My tears flow with yours.....

Our pain is one....

When your joy is over flowing....

On high I dance with you....

Sharing your feelings of happiness....

Watching your face light up with your joy....

Together we smile....

When you have accomplished what you desire....

Pride beams forth from within....

Head held high you strive for more....

Wanting the feeling to go on and on....

Pride makes us stand tall....

When you are lonely.....

I stand by your side....

Letting you sense me there....

Feeling the presence of a friend....

We shall always be as one....

When your laughter fills the air....

My heart sings out for you....

There is no song more beautiful to hear....

Then when an Angel's heart sings out....

Our song will ring out loud and clear....

From morning until night I watch over you....

Know in your heart my words are true....

You are never alone....

Though tears may flow and loneliness abound....

When happiness fills your heart....

Together we will share.....

Listen with your heart and you will hear....

The flutter of soft wings on air....

The soft touch as you turn around....

A presence of Love I will always be....

Close by to you....

This I wish for you to know....

You are surrounded by my love....

I will guide you and protect you.....

Love and understand you....

Comfort you and hear you....


Author: Katty Kane
