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Grandma's Joy

You walk in the door and my world lights up…

With you comes so much love and joy…

Your sweet innocent ways…

Are so wonderful to see…

Butterfly kisses have been placed on my cheek…

While hugs are always welcomed from you…

The words I have missed you so much…

Tug softly at my heart…

Cartoon characters I now know well…

And Winnie the Pooh lives on…

While sitting and watching them all with you…

My heart stays young and free…

You are my shining star so bright…

You are what brings me joy…

The rainbows are more wondrous shared through your eyes…

When shared with you close by…

To hold you in my arms so tight…

Is a timeless blessing I look so forward to…

When late a night I watch you sleep…

An angel visits me…

You are my special valentine…

My pumpkin for Halloween…

I give thanks for you at Thanksgiving…

While a little Christmas angel you become…

To you I send this note of Love…

I want you just to know…

No better granddaughter could I have…

None other would I want…

Author: Katty Kane

