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~**~**~THE GIFT~**~**~

You came into my life one day…

Your shyness was so apparent…

I took one look at you and knew….

A place in my heart had opened up…

One especially just for you…

You held my son's hand oh so tight…

Not knowing what to expect…

Meeting parents can be oh so scary…

Cautiously you came into my life…

I grew to know you more each time we met…

Loving you more each moment spent…

Laughing with you and watching you shine…

Growing to love the wonderful woman you are…

How thoughtful …how kind…how warm….

From that once shy and quiet girlfriend…

Clinging to my son's hand….

You have become a part of my family….

More like a daughter to me.

With your own special place in my heart….

A place which no other then you can fill…

Much loved by me now and forever more…

This special place shall always be just for you…

No one before you, nor anyone after you.

Will ever fill the spot in my heart for you.

So this is just to thank you for the wonderful Gift….

A gift I shall always treasure….

The wonderful Gift you give to me…

All wrapped up in your love …

This oh so wonderful gift which is...


Author: Katty Kane
