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Indian Love Song

Morning dawns with rays of soft pinks and reds

Streaking across the morning sky

Giving beauty to the beginning of this most glorious day

Surely the Spirits are watching over us

Sending their blessings for our joining this day

For on this the day our two souls shall become as one

From the moment their eyes first met she knew

That he was the one she was meant to walk with

Along the path of life, bare his children

Share his sorrows, and his joys

Her love for him filled her heart and soul

In his eyes she saw the same love shining back

Today they will speak their vows to each other

Asking the great Spirits above

To bestow their blessings upon them

Blessings of fertility, Loyalty, bravery

To also allow their paths through life

Always to be entwined together

Allowing their souls to be joined as one

To travel through this life and beyond

Together as one, hand in hand…

Along the path of life and into the realms beyond

Soul Mates Forever More

Author: Katty Kane

