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A Tribute to Mom

For three wonderful years I've had you near.

Close to me you have been...

Each day began with greeting you...

Each night ended with a goodnight hug...

So ill you've been for oh so long...

Your care has filled my life....

We have shared our tears and laughter...

Seen wondrous sunrises and sunsets...

From the window in your room...

Together talking of the memories of your youth...

Have helped me come to know ...

A young girl so full of love and hope...

Of dreams and joys of life...

Dreams not unlike my own....

You have helped my eyes to see...

Another side to you that I may have never known...

Now the time we shared together...

Has finally come to an end...

The Mornings seem so empty, without you there...

The nights are long and lonely...

My heart is filled with pain and yearning...

Of the days when you were here...

I listen for the sounds which say your here....

But hear only the silence....

Which tells me that you're gone....

Though my heart is filled with sorrow...

Your memories fill my soul....

The lessons you have taught me....

Shine from deep within me...

They give me strength to carry on...

To face each day anew...

With hope and faith that one day soon...

We will once again walk together hand in hand...

Sharing love and laughter watched over from above...

You are with the angels now Mom....

A shining addition to their fold....

Watching over me from up above....

Until we are once again together forever more....

You have earned your rest here on earth....

Now within the arms of angels you sleep....

All your pain and sorrows gone.....

You will dance once more among the clouds....

And see the ones you love....

Though my tears may fall....

They are for me....

For I shall miss you so....

My heart aches for you....

But my soul rejoices for the place you hold....

A place in heaven so wondrous and safe....

I shall miss you each and every day....

Until the day when my turn to join you comes....

I know that your arms will be opened wide.....

To greet me on that day....

Your face the first I see....

Wait for me Mom, watch over me....

Till the day comes for us to meet again....

You will never be far from my thoughts....

For in my heart you will always dwell....

Your lessons I have learned so well....

To love with all your heart....

To take each day and live it well....

Let forgiveness rule your life....

Treat others as you would yourself....

Be kind and giving from the heart....

You will always live on in all those you touched....

A lasting tribute to your life....

Remember I will always love you....

I will make you always proud....

Pass on the lessons learned....

Keep your memory strong here on earth....

Until once again we meet....

So sleep well in the arms of the angels Mom....

Enjoy the peace you've earned....


*Lorna Eva Bach (Skinner)*

*August 9, 1921 - June 25, 1999*

*Gone But Never Forgotten*

