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The night was warm and tender….

Soft light shone from the moon…

The sweet scent of blossoms filled the air…

As night the birds sang their song….

We pledged to meet in the meadow….

Under the apple tree…

That is where I said I'd wait for her…

That is where I said I would be….

Our love was young and fevered….

Our hearts were wild and free….

My love for you was oh so strong….

Your heart belonged to me….

As I entered the meadow from the north….

I saw her sitting under the apple tree waiting for me….

The moon shone down softly upon her….

Illuminating her sitting so patiently there….

The picture she created was beautiful to see…

So sweet and young she took my breath away…

The moon on her hair created a soft glow….

Which framed her lovely face in it's light…

She looked up at me so trustingly…

The stars shone in her eyes….

A smile that was oh so warm and inviting...

Oh so slightly parting her ruby lips…

I sat on the grass beside her….

In my arms she snuggled close….

Under the moonlight we made love….

The two of us became one….

Married now so many years…

Looking down into my loving wife's eyes….

As she looks up at me with such trust and love….

The stars shine in her eyes….

She was beautiful then, so long ago….

Under the pale moonlight….

But now with all the love and life we have shared….

Her beauty is beyond compare….

I have never forgotten that wondrous night…

Nor the young girl who loved me then….

For my life began on that warm summer night….

On the night of that summer tryst…

Author: Katty Kane
