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Have you ever wished upon a star….

Sparkling brightly in the dark sky above….

A wish for luck you've asked…

Or maybe one for your own true love….

They shine so brightly in the sky….

Like diamonds placed on black velvet…

Making the night seem so much more warmer…

A comforting sight they make….

How many lovers have looked into the sky….

Knowing that even though so far away….

Their one true love is also looking up at the same dark sky..

Thinking of them and the love they have shared….

A child makes a wish at night before they fall asleep…

For they have seen the fist star of the night …..

Which makes them feel secure that of course…

The wish they wished tonight will come true for them….

Songs have paid their tributes to love….

Setting the romantic scene for us to imagine….

As he dances under the stars with her….

Pledging his undying love for his sweetheart….

Like diamonds they glitter in the sky for you and me….

Yet more precious then diamonds are they…

For they can not be gathered and owned….

Not for any amount of gold or money…

They shine for all to see…

Not just for the rich and famous…

But also for you and me…

So make your wishes and enjoy the magic…

Of wishing on a star…

For one day who knows…

Just maybe they will come true….

Author: Katty Kane

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