5/31 - Wow, almost at 9000. I can't believe how much this site is changed. And now, I finally found the color for our background in terms of Red, Green, and Blue. With that info, I created a new Main Page banner with the same background as our page so it blends in. Hopefully I will change almost all our logos to be like that.
5/30 - Finally, a Squaresoft & Nintendo RPG Webring. And, best of all, we have been added to the ring, so clicking next wont take you to the list of sites that they have. Check out the Webrings page to see it.
5/28 - Before I play PD, I realized I just had to add music to the FF8 Page. So, I went and put the game's main love song, "Eyes on Me" up. Enjoy!
5/28 - Finally....after all this time....I got an Earthbound Walkthrough!!!! Can't resist.....Perfect Dark...
5/28 - I finally got around to posting the CT quotes, you can see what I have here.
5/28 - I made an FF8 Music Page, and a pretty cool logo for it that might take a little while to load. I'm done for the day....I hear Perfect Dark calling me. (Put the mouse over my pic)
5/27 - I finally got around to uploading and posting FF8 characters onto the FF8 Character page. I even made a litle banner for it. But, after I updated the TOC and the Image Section, I made a new feature for the TOC. I created a little animation with the text "NEW" to be next to each of the pages that were recently put up. This should help people navigate the page even better. (Hold the mouse over my pic and see what I say)
5/27 - Even though I recently rented and will soon purchase the incredible game known as Perfect Dark, I will continue to update normally! In fact, I have a brand new page up! I noticed that Super Mario RPG was missing a Quotes Section, so I quickly put it up. Special thanks goes out to Sillabub, who made the quotes!!!
5/24 - Hmmm... I do update when Jeff does. Well, I fixed the top left frame, it should be working ok now, hope you guys enjoy it. Also, I rearranged some of the banners to match the TOC, finished the FF6 Quotes page, and added another banner to our banner exchange. Look at it here.
5/24 - I made a FF7 Music Page, which took about an hour since I had to get all the music files. Oh yeah, they were made by IcyBrian. I got about 70 or 80 FF7 MIDI files which eventually added up to 20+ megs....!!! So, I remembered Angelfire's 5 meg limit, so, unfortunately I had to pick the top 20 MIDI files of my choice. I hope you enjoy the new page!
5/21 - Well, if you're in the frames page, you will notice that the top left frame that has been added is a little pathetic. Once I find a way to get rid of the Angelfire banner and resize it right, it should look a lot better.
5/20 - I added Ness' drawing of himself onto the page. If you want, look at it here or go straight to it here. I am also currently working on a FF6 quotes page, and will be posting it up soon.
5/20 - Like Ness, I have also been playing a lot of FF5 and EB0. You know, the battle system to FF5 is really, really good, and I was wrong when I thought the game sucked. EB0 is pretty good too, but frustrating for me...and I haven't been sucked into that virtual hole of darkness.......yet. Anyway, I changed several things on the main frame index page. I made tables for all the text, so now everything looks more formatted. I also added pictures by the links. Aside from that, I made an Chrono Trigger Walkthrough Page; I got the walkthrough from IcyBrian. I also made a CT Walkthrough Logo, as well as a CT Quotes Logo, which is currently on stand-by for when I get that page up.
5/19 - Whoa..... No one's updated in quite a while. Well, I have a good excuse. I decided to brush up on my knowledge of the older RPG classics. I've been playing FF5 and one that has jumped high on my favorites list, Earthbound Zero. Those two games have been sucking all my free time into a virtual hole of darkness. Especially EB0. Oddly enough I played Earthbound first and decided to see what happened in the first game. Needless to say, I got addicted to that game REALLY fast. I think I messed up too. In Earthbound you HAVE to rescue Paula. If you don't you can't continue with the story. However, in EB0 I think I skipped her. I went straight to the Jeff equivalent, Loid. I'm kinda freaking out now........ANYWAY I decided to update my personal page and make it more like everyone elses.
5/14 - Ha! I broke Jeff's update streak! I have put up a FF7 Quotes page, and although they are not funny like Earthbound quotes, they are still worth looking at. Also, I put up 2 of our new Paula's reviews, one for FF7 and one for FF8, and put up a poll for random quotes or quotes of the week on the main pages. Enjoy! Oh, and before I forget, check out the main page to see a really cool script I got onto the page. It may not load for some browsers though.
5/14 - OK...this is my fourth update in a row.....and it's not even noon yet and already I have an update, even though it's a small one. I finally made a logo for myself, and I've realized that I have .1 megs left on my Angelfire account! DUN DUN DUN! Hey, it's OK though, because I can legally get two more accounts for myself. So I put that logo onto my Personal Page, and I also fixed that page a bit as well, by getting rid of the picture links and replacing them with normal links. One last thing, I think I might replace this site's main logo with a site logo that Poo made a while back. Change is good. I might do more today, so keep an eye out.
5/13 - Today I made an Earthbound Quotes Page, and also 2 new logos. I made a Quotes logo, and also a Walkthrough logo, and I just keep adding things to the site. I updated the quotes link to the Table of Contents page, now I just need an EB walkthrough. This one might take a while if I choose to write it myself. But if somebody decides to send me theirs *hint, hint*, it would be GREATLY appreciated and I would give credit on the site (of course). I'm done for the day, be sure to check out the Quotes page; It's cool!
5/12 - Today, after I got home, I started thinking. I thought about what I could do more to the site to make it more enjoyable to look at. So, I made many logos today. I'm not setting up links because it's 9:40 at night, and I'm tired for some reason. *Yawn*. So anyway, I started with logos for Updates. I made a Monthly Update Index logo, and a logo for each month. Then I made an Information one, followed by the Webrings logo. Lastly, I made a cool Table of Contents logo. You can find these at the top of their respected pages. Fear not, my logo-mania will continue, and my goal is to have one for every single page! Wow...I can't keep my eyes open. *YAWN* (face hits keyboard).
5/10 - I changed minor things on Poo's Table of Contents Page. I made the links with italics into red links. Also, in the left frame, I made the color for the visited links blue so they match the background. Now everything is nice and purty.
5/9 - How can I always find tasks that make me look at every page? Ugh... well, anyways, I made a Table of Contents page that lists ALL of the pages you can get to, including sub URLs. You can also get to it from the left frame (if in frames). Hope you annoying emailers are happy...
5/7 - My head hurts....... I went and saw a play called "Museum" with my friend, whose name is also Ness, and stayed up REAL late at a cast party, of which I kinda tagged along, (I wasn't part of the play) and got up bright and early and headed to see another play called "The Scarlet Pimpernel". Well, I haven't gotten around to doing anything seeing as I've been gone all weekend......I WILL get started on my picture of Ness. I do still have homework to do though........
5/7 - This isn't an update at all....but I FINALLY BEAT FINAL FANTASY 6!!! WOOOHOOO! It was kinda tough with my party not leveled up that much, but I realized that casting Life 3 can work wonders. But sadly, I lost Mog right before the last battle, and he was replaced by Celes.....ugh....but I beat him! The ending wasn't all I expected it to be, and it was long as h*ll, but at least the end wrapped everything together, and I finally found out Terra's fate, when the Espers perished from the land. But that's not all. Since I beat FF6 on FF Anthology, I got to see an EXTREMELY COOL FMV sequence. It's the coolest FMV I've ever seen! But wait....there's more! I also got to see the list of items you get from the Coliseum, the last half of the bestiary, the last 4 art galleries, another bonus FMV, Strago's Lore list, and the usage percentage for each character! Mog was the highest with 54%! Wooohoooo!
5/7 - Whew! I have just added back buttons at the bottom left of every single page on our site (not including the main pages). These aren't normal back buttons though, they are javascript buttons so you go back to the page you were last viewing, to provide even more navigational ease. Hope all of you are happy.
5/5 - I have finally updated my Personal Page. Finally, after all this procrastination, I have done it. Hey... I can't feel my foot.
5/4 - After making the pics for the game images, cheats, etc., I was told by Poo that they were too big, so I used HTML to make them smaller, and I also organized the pics. The game pages looked kinda bad yesterday, but now everything is fine. Woohoo!
5/4 -I decided to update my Personal Page, so now its more boring. If you're bored see it here. I thought I posted this update yesterday but oh well......
5/3 - I want to say a couple things. First off, my head hurts, and I'm tired. I've been working on the site for a while now and the time is 7:56p.m. What did I do, you ask? Well, I spent quite a while making logos for the links that you would find at the bottom of any main game page. I made a Music logo, a Game Images logo, a Cheats logo, a Reviews logo, and lastly a humorous Reader Reviews logo. I worked on them all today, and not only that, I added the needed logos to each main game page, even the Reader Review logos, hopefully reminding the RPGers out there that WE NEED READER REVIEWS!!!! I did a lot of work, now for homework......ugh...
5/3 - I drew another picture! This one is of Marle, and isn't too detailed because I did this one in freehand and it only took me 10 minutes. Oh well, enjoy it if you can.
5/3 - As my first update in May, I would like to announce that a much better banner has been submitted for our site. This new banner should appear on the banner exchanges we are currently in, and will definitely direct more traffic go to our site. Look at it here.
5/2 - I'M ALIVE!!!!!!! I'm back. With sports over and a huge project done last minute and with oh-so-much beloved procrastination, I have found time to actually DO stuff. Whoa.....I've also gotten a Gif Animator and will try to overcome my fear of drawing!! Subsequently, I made a new banner for the Review Crew. You can see it at the bottom of the Main Page. The problem is that that banner is takes up a lot of space. It will definitely take some time to load if your browser hates you like mine does. If it does hate you you might want to consider seeing it directly here. So that theres less stuff to load.
5/1 - I made logos in the left frame for Updates, Info., Webrings, and Main Page. They look kinda cool, and I think I will be adding a lot more logos around the site soon. So be sure and keep an eye out for 'em.
5/1 - I only made the new May Update Section, but I do have some good news: Ness might actually be resurrected mysteriously, because his spirit told me that he is actually working on some stuff for the site. Woohoo! Oh yeah, Paula has, unfortunately, died. I'm sorry Stargirl DX, but it seems as though there is a better Paula, one who can write longer, more descriptive reviews. Poo actually found her in Dalaam, but the EBcrew needs to check out her reviews. Until then, wave bye-bye to our current Paula as the new one is much more experienced in the RPG genre. Until next time, this is Jeff, a.k.a. Jamiroquai, signing off.