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This is Starman Jr., I maintain the links section. Below are some links to various RPG sites. I have rated these sites on my own scale of 1-10, based on content, organization, entertainment, and creativity. Ten being the highest rating. The sites are sorted by score.

Jeff's RPG Page
10 out of 10
10 out of 10

Earthbound Xtreme
8 out of 10

Mushroom Kingdom
8 out of 10

Aura's RPG Music
6 out of 10

5 out of 10
5 out of 10

4 out of 10

Alotta Earthbound Junk
4 out of 10

Leeman's Earthbound Paradox
3 out of 10

2 out of 10

Vampire Slayer
1 out of 10

Galactic Empire Clan Website

Really cool Starcraft//Brood Wars Clan website, one that Poo is a part of. An awesome piece of HTML/DHTML. 8 out of 10

Pretty cool site with a lot of EB info. It's one of the better EB sites out there. 8 out of 10

Email your site address to Starman Jr.!


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