5/27 - Well it took me a little more than a week to do something that took about 20 minutes. I'm lazy. I created the Chrono Cross Music which has 29 MIDIs. I'm not sure what I'll do next... | |
5/19 - Whew, it's been a while since I updated...but anyway, I'm back. I updated the QotM (yes that's right, Quote of the Month), and also decided to create the Zelda 64 Music section. I got a whopping 40 MIDI's for the game! If you haven't already been, make sure you go to vgmusic.com! My next project will be creating the CC music page, so expect that soon. | |
5/11 - Wow... not many updates recently, and even this is a small one. I made a small (47k) Flash image to go on the main page. I made it in about 45 minutes, and I was just messing around with some Flash techniques I learned... Hope you like it... | |
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