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Welcome to CyberCorner

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Mystical & Animals

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Here you will find things of mystery, sometimes spooky and evil and sometimes friendly and beautiful. Are legends really as they are told or has the story changed as time went by to make the events more exciting? Welcome to my site! Explore and keep an open mind as to; "Could these things exist or did they ever exist? If they never did exist, then who ever made them exist?"

Also, you will find another page which consists of one of my favorite subjects, "Animals". To be more precise, animals in my life as of this moment. Enjoy your visit to the unknown and a small peek in my life.
Also, please sign my guestbook so I know you were here.

peace dove


Fantasy Fights Spirit & Awards

Ladies Of The Myst


Authoring by KJB

Unauthorized duplicating of any photographic image
is strictly prohibited and permission will not be given.
All photographic images are copyrighted and
digital watermarking technology embedded.

Two of my favorite "sayings"
Confidence comes not from always being right,
but from not fearing to be wrong.
Assumption is the root of all ignorance.

I Am So Very Proud:

International Association of Webmasters and Designers
Thank You for this Honor!

I Am A Proud Member Of:

The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal
Phenomenal Women Of The Web

Behold "Wotan" - protector of this site.


"E-Mail Me"E-Mail"E-Mail Me"

This website has been optimized for 10247 x 768 monitor resolution, 16 bit color or better.
Web & Graphic design by KJB © 1999, All Rights Reserved..
Permission will not be given to use any graphics within my site.
Also, none of my graphics may be linked to, duplicated or uploaded to any other server.
All material that is ® and © by their respected owners is for entertainment purposes only;
no infringement on the original copyrights or trademarks held by the respected owners
is intended or should be inferred.

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