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More Lace Knitting...

"The Rose of England"

A universal favorite among lace knitters, ROE by Marianne Kinzel. This pattern appears in the Second Book of Modern Lace Knitting rereleased by Dover Books in 1972. This is the "Afternoon Tea Cloth." One innovative feature of M. Kinzel is her "adaptation of pattern" so the same pattern can also be knitted as a full-blown tablecloth. My clone was knitted with #60 DMC Cordonnet Special and #1 needles.


Another beautiful coffee cloth from Kinzel's First Book. I used DMC Cordonnet Special #60 and #2 needles. Note how much more open this is than ROE. When non-knitters see these they always say, "You must have used tiny needles on that." Just the opposite. The larger the needle the more lacy the effect produced.


Designer unknown. This beauty appears in "Old World Treasures" compiled by Gloria Penning.


The "Roseleaf" chairback from Kinzel's First Book.