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undefined List of Characters - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone; In Order of Appearance
List of Characters
In Order of Appearance or Mentioning

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone


United Kingdom 'Philosopher's Stone'



< >'loo, everyone! This is my little ditty where I was bored one day (this idea, though, has been in the works since the week I first started the site and gets up a little over a year later) and decided to go through Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone to find and list every character.

< >However, in saying that, this list pertains to single people; not like "neighbors" or "people in funny cloaks." It mentions people by names (Chracters or "historical" figures), animals, and, as I said, singular people, even if they are not mentioned by name. Enjoy my boredom. ;-)


Vernon Dursley
Petunia Dursley
Dudley Dursley
Lily Potter
James Potter
Harry Potter
Minerva McGonagall (in cat form at time)
Man on street (hugged Vernon)
Mrs. Next Door
Jim McGuffin
Albus Dumbledore
Dedalus Diggle
Tom Marvolo Riddle AKA Lord Voldemort (spoken as "You-Know-Who")
Madam Pomfrey
Rubeus Hagrid
Sirius Black (motorcycle reference)
Milk man
Aunt Marge (Vernon's sister)
Mrs. Agatha Figg (cat woman, babysitter, mentioned in Book 4 as possible witch)
Tibbles (cat)
Snowy (cat)
Mr. Paws (cat)
Tufty (cat)
Piers Polkiss
Mrs. Polkiss
Smiling lady at ice cream cart
Boa constricter (talked to Harry, famous scene)
Keeper of reptile house
Zoo director
Wild-looking woman (on bus who waved)
Blad man (who shook Harry's hand)
Dennis (part of Dudley's gang)
Malcolm (part of Dudley's gang)
Gordon (part of Dudley's gang)
Toothless man (gave Vernon boat)
Owl (tapped on shack window)
Mirancda Goshawk (author)
Bathilda Bagshot (author)
Adalbert Waffling (author)
Emerica Switch (author)
Phyllida Spore (author)
Arsenius Jigger (author)
Newt Scamander (author; check out his book title!)
Quentin Trimble (author)
Tom (bartender at Leaky Cauldron)
Doris Crockford
Professor Quirrell (DADA teacher of 1st year)
Plump woman (standing outside Apothecary)
Goblins (third mentioned was Griphook)
Madam Malkin
Draco Malfoy
Assistant witch (to Malkin in shop, tending to Draco's clothes)
Lucius Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy (name not mentioned 'till Book 4)
Vindictus Vridian (vindictious means vengeful as his books pertains to)
Mr. Ollivander
Molly Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Percy Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ron Weasley
Trevor (Neville's toad)
Neville Longbottom
Neville's grandmother
Lee Jordan
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Scabbers (AKA . . . nevermind, can't give out secrets!)
Smiling, dimpled woman (with cart on train)
Ptolemy (he was a wizard . . . ? Hmm . . .)
Nicolas Flamel
Hengist of Woodcroft
Alberic Grunnion
Hermione Granger
Vincent Crabbe
Gregory Goyle
Fat Friar (Hufflepuff Ghost)
Sir Nicholas de Mimst-Porpington (AKA Nearly Headless Nick; Gryffindor ghost)
Sorting Hat
Hannah Abbott (first year in Book 1, Huff.)
Susan Bones (first year in Book 1, Huff.)
Terry Boot (first year in Book 1, Raven.)
Mandy Brocklehurst (first year in Book 1, Raven.)
Millicent Bulstrode (first year in Book 1, Slyth.)
Justin Finch-Fletchey (first year in Book 1, Huff.)
Seamus Finnigan (first year in Book 1, Gryff.)
Morag MacDougal (first year in Book 1, Slyth.)
---- Moon (first year in Book 1, house unknown)
---- Nott (first year in Book 1, house unknown)
Pansy Parkinson (first year in Book 1, Gryff.)
Padma Patil (first year in Book 1, Raven.)
Parvati Patil (first year in Book 1, Gryff.)
Sally-Anne Perks (first year in Book 1, house unknown)
Dean Thomas (first year in Book 1, Gryff.)
Lisa Turpin (first year in Book 1, Raven.)
Blaise Zabini (first year in Book 1, Slyth.)
Bloody Baron (Slytherin ghost)
Mr. Finnigan (Muggle)
Mrs. Finnigan (witch)
Algie Longbottom (Neville's great-uncle)
Enid (Neville's great-aunt)
Severus Snape
Argus Filch (Hogwarts caretaker)
Madam Hooch (flying instructor)
Peeves (school poltergeist)
Fat Lady (porthole to Gryff. common room)
Mrs. Norris (Flich's cat)
Professor Sprout (Herbology teacher)
Professor Binns (teacher of magical history; ghost)
Emeric the Evil
Uric the Oddball
Professor Flitwick (Charms teacher)
Fang (Hagrid's boarhound)
Gringotts spokesgoblin
Oliver Wood (Quidditch captain Harry's 1st through 3rd years)
Gregory the Smarmy
Fluffy (three-headed dog in locked room)
Troll (had Hermione trapped in bathroom, Harry and Ron knocked out)
Angelina Johnson (Gryffindor Quidditch team member)
Alicia Spinnet (Gryffindor Quidditch team member)
Marcus Flint (spent a surprising eight years at Hogwarts; captain of Slyth. Quid. team)
Katie Bell (Gryffindor Quidditch team member)
Adrian Pucey (Slytherin Quidditch team member)
--- Bletchy (Slytherin Quidditch team member)
Terence Higgs (Slytherin Quidditch team Seeker; Harry's 1st year)
Madam Pince (school librarian)
Perenelle Flamel
Norbert (Norwegian Ridgeback dragon)
Ronan (centaur)
Bane (centaur)
Firenze (centaur)
Elfric the Eager


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