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TOKEN.THE JEFF.IN. V-2 N-19 63-0901M 33-2 Watch. We see the great end times, the flashing red lights everywhere; upon nature, we see nature flashing the light. The time is at hand. We see it upon the church: flashing light; she's condemned. The time is at hand. She's in the world. We see it upon--upon the skies, upon the sea, upon the nation, upon everywhere, in the sun, moon, stars, signs. We see the end time signs of the Holy Ghost return back upon the people.

The Eagle Nebula is in the Constellation "Serpens", near Libra. Serpens means "serpent", and this same snake is found on the symbol of medicine worldwide, the caduceus. Brother Branham said that the caduceus was taken from the Old Testament , the brazen serpent in the wilderness, and was a type of Christ and divine healing. Libra is along the line of the Zodiac(oddly enough, Gods first Bible). From the pages of the Bible we know that the stars are "...for signs, and for seasons,..." (Gen 1:14), so it is not out of line with the scripture that God has once again declared Himself in the heavens.

Below you will find some thumbnails that are linked to larger images, just click and look.

We have included a link to a great Flash presentation about the Eagle Nebula below

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