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  • Made In His Image
  • Thief In The Night
    Marvelous Myths (Page 3/3)
    Gene (speaking to cop, clapping his hands): Bravo, stormtrooper, what a convincing performance! With your acting skills, you could probably run for president. That's if this country is still a democracy in a couple of years. 

    Cop (speaking to Gene): You seem like a reasonable guy. Are you listening to yourself? You're starting to sound like your conspiracy-nut friends. Don't give in...(interupted by Cy) 

    Cy (speaking to everyone): Don't give in to the dark side of the force, Luke: the police force that is! (speaking to Gene) The coast is clear, not a fascist in sight. 

    Cop (frustrated): Ha, ha, very clever. It still doesn't excuse the fact that you are holding me hostage over a rumor. 

    Gene (last comment sank in): The police have alot of power over the lives of ordinary citizens. Excuse us if we don't want to get set up in a frame job. (pause) Cops pretending to search for  drugs and guns, instead plant them in businesses. You manufacture crimes, enemies and eventually the people's consent. Before we know it the Bill of Rights is toilet paper to wipe some fat cop's ass 

    Cop (sensing an opportunity): Fine, if you believe that, search my person. 

    Rob (reaching over to smack cop in head): We're freedom fighters, not fags. 

    Cop (beaming at Rob): You'll answer for that. 

    Rob: I didn't mean to offend your fagness. 

    Gene (talking to Rob): Knock it off, G.I. Joe. Search him. 

    Cop (slowly standing up with arms in the air): I'm getting up slowly. Keep your cool. 

    Gene (talking to cop): No funny stuff or this gun goes off in your face. (talking to Cy) Cy, help search the cop. 

    Cy: You don't want me to check outside. 

    Gene: From time to time. Help Rob search this character. 

    Rob and Cy pat down cop. 

    Rob: Make sure you check for wires. 

    Cy: If this guy was wired the cops wouldn't broke in by now. 

    Rob: Perhaps but check anyway. 

    Rob and Cy go through his pockets and removes items like chewing gum, keys, change, business cards, a wallet and a book. They place the items on the floor. 

    Gene (talking to cop): Sit down again, slowly. 

    Cop begins to sit down slowly. 

    Gene (talking to Cy): What's that book. 

    Cy (bends down to pick up book and examine it, pauses): It's an old copy of Huxley's Brave New World. 

    Gene (talking to Cy): Let me see that. 

    Cy (walks over to hand book to Gene): Didn't think these guys read very much. 

    Rob (surprised): He's got a copy of Brave New World? 

    Gene (studies front cover, peeks inside): Yep, it's the real McCoy. Even got paragraphs underlined and marked. 

    Cy (talking to cop): You should know where we're coming from. 

    Cop: In other circumstances, I would. But right now you've let your imaginations lead you into serious trouble. 

    Rob (unconvinced): It's a trick to gain our confidence. 

    Cy (talking to Rob): Then, ask him questions, Rob. 

    Rob: I'm not falling for this cheap trick. The guy's already read the Cliff Notes. He'll know all the major questions. We have to keep ourselves on guard. They've prepared these cops for all sorts of situations. Don't be fooled! 

    Cy: What if he's telling the truth? And we've screwed up big time. 

    Rob: You mean I screwed up big time. THAT IS what you're trying to say. Right? 

    Gene: We're all in this together. Got it. 

    Rob: I'm with ya. 

    Gene (talking to Cy): You alright. 

    Cy: Just dandy. 

    Gene (talking to cop, pointing gun at him): What's your cut in the developers takeover? 

    Cop (exhausted): There is no takeover. And I'm not playing this game with you anymore. Not another word comes from this mouth. 

    Gene (uncertain, talking to Cy): Check out front again. (talking to Rob) I'm not doubting your word, but put a call in for the what's the latest word. 

    Rob (flustered): Not doubting my word but put in a call anyway. Is that like: "Trust, but verify." 

    Cy (returning from door): It's still clear. (talking to Rob) Phone home, E.T. 

    Rob: When I'm good and ready. 

    Cy: What's the matter, you worried your cyber-chickens flew the coop? 

    Rob: No, I'm just wondering when we're going to make you sit next 
     to the cop. 

    Cy (moving quickly towards Rob): About the same time you come out of the closet. (takes a swing at Rob, Rob ducks and pushes Cy to the floor) 

    Gene (talking to Rob): Get on the phone or you're going to sit next to the cop. 

    Cy (gets up quickly): It's not over between us. 

    Gene (talking to Cy): For now it is. (talking to Rob) Call your friends. 

    Cy (talking to Gene): Get the number from him, I'll call them myself. 

    Rob: I'll call, (pause, moving towards phone) they wouldn't recognize him from a punk scraping the floor. 

    Phone rings seconds before Rob reaches for the receiver. 

    Rob (lets ring twice, then answers): Sorry, but we're closed this evening. Please try again tomorrow morning at 10AM. (about to slam down phone, but hears a familiar voice) Hello? Yes. (listens for a moment) Are you absolutely sure? (furious) Someone's going to pay this amateurish operation. Do you hear me? I want that son-of-a-bitch hung from his balls on a rusty meat-hook. Yeah, I'll get back to ya. (slams down phone) 

    Rob (looking dejected, looking at Gene): False alarm. 

    Gene (stunned): What did you say? 

    Cy: He said he wasted our time on a bum-fuck comic book quest. 

    Rob (feeling sick): The information was right, the location was wrong. 

    Gene: What the fuck does that mean? 

    Rob (sheepish): The whole thing is going down somewhere in Ohio. 

    Cy: You know, the place, they're gonna send our young asses, after the judge throws the encyclopedia at us. 

    Gene (devestated, slumping to sit down): O-fuckin-hio. Jesus, I can't believe this is happening. 

    Cop (looking both relieved and saddened): My gun, please. 

    Gene (sits on floor, adjusts gun safety and slides it over to him) 

    Cop (stands up and places gun in holster): You boys got alot of explaining to do. 

    Cy: Isn't it already pretty clear? 

    Cop (reasons to himself): Yes it is. Pardon the figure of speech. 

    Rob: For the record, officer, none of us uses drugs. 

    Cop (directs Rob to sit down): It would've been more helpful if you did. (smacks Rob in the head) 

    Gene (tired): What are you going to do with us, officer? 

    Cy peeking out front door. 

    Cop (sternly): Get away from the door and sit down with your friends. 

    Cy: No problem, but there's a cop walking up the street. 

    Cop: No way, I'm the only one assigned this district tonight. 

    Cy: Maybe they're looking for you. Are you supposed to report in? 

    Cop: Only if there's a problem. 

    Rob: Wonderful, he's got help to haul our butts in. 


    Gene (stressed): Rob, shut up, you've done enough tonight. 

    Rob: Don't pin this on me, I didn't twist your arm. 

    Gene: You know what I mean. 

    Cy: Quiet, they're coming! You have a right to remain silent. 

    Knock on the door. 

    Cop (walks over to open door): Hi, what are you doing out here tonight? 

    Cop #2: Did you find any guns in there? 

    Cop (suspicious): No, (pause) I haven't looked yet... 

    Cop #2 (looking around): I want you all to stand up, please. 

    Gene looks at Cy and Rob. Then looks back at Cy and Cop. 

    Cop #2 (agitated): Whatta waiting for? Stand up and get over to the other side of the room. 

    Cop (provoked): What's going on here?  

    Cop #2: I'm searching the joint for guns. Help me out, buddy, get these guys over there. 

    Cop: Let me see your search warrant. 

    Cop #2 (steely-eyed): Are we on the same side or not? 

    Cop: You're right. (staring at Cy, yelling out): Move over to the other side. This is a search! 

    Cy (reaches for Cop #2's gun): Don't move, pigman! 

    Cop #2 (ambushed, rushes for Cy): What the fuck are you doing you little... 

    Cop (pulls out gun and points it at Cop #2's head): I want you down on the ground or I'll pull this trigger. 

    Cop #2 (growling): This is your ass you're talking about. Your career is over. (hands up in air, bends knees and lies down on floor) 

    Cop (talking to Cy): Hold it straight down at his head, if he moves, shoot the bastard. (talking to Gene) Gene, is it? 

    Gene (dazed and confused): Yes. 

    Cop: Pull out his cuffs and cuff his wrists (talking to Rob) Here's my gun. Stand by Gene and cover him. The fucker won't move with two guns pointed at his head. 

    Gene (following instructions, but still confused): Who are you? 

    Cop (moving over to phone): I'm with Internal Affairs. 

    Rob (overjoyed): Then my information was solid! 

    Cop (annoyed): Yeah, your guys must have hacked into our computer. But don't be pat yourself on the back. Hacking is illegal. 

    Rob: It's how we keep the government honest. 

    Cop (disgusted): After what I witnessed here tonight, who's going to keep YOU honest? 

    Gene: Guess he told you. 

    Rob: At least we're not going to jail. 

    Cy: Whatta mean us, cyber-villain. Hacking is illegal. 

    Rob: We're in this together, right, Gene. 

    Gene (reluctantly): I'm sure we'll be just fine. 

    Cop (grabs phone and starts dialing): Hi, Captain, it's Ken, I'm at the comic book store. (pause) Even more than we thought. I got one too. Send a squad car. (hangs up phone, talking to Rob) My gun, please. You're dangerous enough with a computer. 

    Rob (hands over gun): We're living in a Brave New World, officer. 

    Cop (staring at Rob): That we are. Mind getting me some coffee. (talking to the guys) Anyone else what some? 

    Cy: I wanna sleep and forget this ever happened. 

    Gene: Second that emotion. 

    Rob (talking to cop): How you want it? 

    Cop: Light and sweet. 

    Rob (jubliant): Coming right up. (leaves store) 

    Gene: Aren't you worried he might not come back. 


    Cop (confident): He thinks he's a hero. He'll be back. 

    Cy: I'd check out that coffee he's bringing you. 

    Cop: Why so? 

    Cy: Once he spiked a coffee of a friend of mine with some stuff and it made him puke. 

    Cop: No joke? 

    Gene: He's telling the truth. 

    Cop: No problem, I'll just drink his coffee instead. 

    Cy: He'll be expecting that. 

    Cop: I'll drink mine. 

    Gene: Could be spiked. 

    Cop (upset): All of you are giving me a major headache. Stop the conspiracy shit right now. Are you listening to me? 

    Gene (smiling): Yes, sir. 

    Cy (smiling back): Loud and clear. 

    Gene (speaking to Cop #2 on the floor): You know what I heard about what they do to bad cops in prison. They going to have to put in a special ward--so that the inmates don't cut your throat with a converted bic razor. 

    Cop #2: I'm not going to prison. But I am coming back for you three. 

    Cy (stepping on Cop #2's back): Dream on, Klingon. You're going down for the count!  

    Rob walks into store with a small brown bag. 

    Cop (staring at bag): Put it over there, please. 

    Rob (amazed): I thought you dying for a coffee? 

    Cop: I'll live without it. 

    Gene and Cy start laughing out loud. 

    Rob (lost): What? (pulls out a soda can from bag and opens it) 

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