Chapter 5: Cruel Intentions

" Who's getting it!?" Screeched Zac as he bolted past Zoe who was waddling down the hallway. The phone rang again.

" My hands are full..." Isaac's voice floated up the stairs from the living room.

The sound of Taylor's socked feet pounded across the linoleum floor in the kitchen. Zac listened as the cordless phone was picked up, and the ringing subsided.

Zac slumped down onto the edge of Taylor's bed and sighed. The brothers were expecting an important call from the studio. His heart was still thudding in his chest, from the moment of madness that occured while he was looking for a phone. Curiously, Zac trotted down the carpeted stairs and into the kitchen where his brother was sitting on the counter with the phone.

" Uh, Hello, Tay. Were supposed to be babysitting." Zac purposley yelled to his older brother. Taylor narrowed his eyebrows and slapped his hand over the reciver. Tay laughed nervously.

" Ah, No, he was talking to my sister." Taylor replied into the phone.

Zac looked around sarcastically. " I dont see our sister anywhere!" He exclaimed loudly with a mischevious grin. Taylor made a sour face at his brother then hopped off the counter running into the living room. Zac chased after him and kicked Tay in his butt. Taylor screeched and turned around but kept running, through the living room, while trying to hold up a conversation with the person on the other line.Zac threw another well aimed kick.

" Zac would you leave my ass alone?!" Taylor exclaimed dodging the coffee table at the end of the hallway. Taylor's eyes widened in the direction of the phone, "Uh I said, Would you leave the grass alone, The neighbors dog...Um, His name is Brak, he was digging in the grass." Taylor forced a few stiff laughs before dodging into the bathroom and slamming the door in Zac's face.

Zac laughed and cupped his hands around his mouth. " Taylor, Were supposed to be BABYSITTING!" He shouted as loud as he could.

"What do I think of Zac?" Lisa replied twirling a peice of her curly hair around her finger. She propped her cordless phone between her shoulder and ear as she stuck her legs up in the air. Her water bed rippled as she rocked around.

" Yeah, You heard me, I said what do you think about Zac." Taylor replied with a sly grin as he closed the toliet seat and sat down. The pounding continued on the door, but seemed to be getting less and less sparatic as Zac seemed to give up. " Personaly, I think he is annoying and immature, but thats my opinion right?" Taylor added waiting for the girls answer.

"Well, Now that I think about it, He is kinda like a paperclip." Lisa said in an airy voice.

A paperclip? What the hell kind of crack smoking ditz is this? Taylor thought to himself. " Oh yeah? Elaborate please."

" Well, this is just my observation, but to me, it seems like he always wants to hold things together. I was talking to his best friend Tara. She was in my gym class last year. And she said the same thing.

*" Hmm... A paperclip..." Taylor pondered. " I hate those fuckers, my cousin almost got his finger taken off by one before." He blurted.

Lisa sat up on her bed. " What?" she asked confused.

" Oh, nothing, Im sorry that was sort of irrelevent." Taylor apologized.

Lisa laid back on to her water bed, sending herself rocking like she was on a sail boat during a storm. "Ok..." Lisa replied and rolled her eyes. What a psycho...she thought to herself.

"Ike, Please get Tay off the phone!" Zac hollered as he ushered Avery down the stair case. "I cant do this by myself." He added as he rounded the corner and walked down the hallway. As he passed the bathroom door, he slammed his fist against the door and threw it a dirty look.

"If only doors could talk, huh?" Isaac replied walking out to the kitchen and looking at the empty cordless phone holder. " I'm giving you 5 more minutes Tay." He called down the hallway with a father like tone

Five minutes later the bathroom door swung open, and Taylor walzted out and flashed a grin at his brothers.

" What was that all about?" Ike asked snatching the phone out of his hand and slamming it back on the wall. Taylor shrugged and walked into the living room to watch his younger siblings.

"Moooom..." Tara wailed down the stairs to the kitchen. "I need help." Tara tried once more to pulled her Khaki shorts on with one good arm and one good leg. She tilted backwards, almost falling onto her bed again. Her mother came up the stairs and looked into her daughters bedroom. She gave Tara a sympathetic grin before helping her pull the shorts on.

"This is going to take a little bit of getting used to, but im sure we can handle it cant we hon?" Mrs. Richards asked in a almost fake sounding voice. Tara smiled, but as her mothers back turned to leave her room, the smile quickly faded.Your wrong Mom, This is going to take a LOT of getting used to.

Tara sat at her desk with her chin in her good hand. The warm summer breeze blew in through her open window, sweeping her long white-blonde hair away from her face. She sighed and squeezed her blue eyes shut taking a deep breath of the fresh air. I wish I could go outside and do normal 14 year old things. She thought to herself running her fingers over a crack in the top of her oak desk. Her eyes traced the crack down to the edge of her desk before falling on her cast. It had only taken a matter of days, before it had started to irritate Tara to the extent of wanting to rip it off. She was constantly thinking about the damage that was done to her knee, and she was left wondering what she would be limited to doing after the cast was off. Just as long as I can still play soccer and run. Tara poked a finger underneath the edge of the plaster cast and tried to scratch her leg, but was unsuccsessful.

Tara contimplated on wether or not she should call Andi and apologize, But at the last second she chickened out and grabbed her crutches to hobble down the stairs. Her mother was sitting at the kitchen table, doing some paperwork when she finally made it down the long staircase. Mrs. Richard's head shot up at the sound of her daughter entering the kitchen.

"Hello sweet heart." Her mother called across the kitchen. " How are you, Do you want me to get you anything?" She offered putting her pen down and starting to stand up.

Tara shook her head polietly and shakily made her way to the sliding glass door that looked across the street to the Hansons' house. For a moment she watched cars drive by, until one particular red one pulled into the Hanson's driveway. Tara craned her neck to try and see who was climbing out of the passenger side of the sleek sports car. The shrill ringing of the phone broke her concentration on trying to see the person getting out of the car, and she turned her head to where her mom had picked it up.

" Yes, She's right here, It's for you hon." Mrs. Richards said to her daughter as she motioned to her with the portable phone. Tara wobbled over to the table and leaned her crutches against it before standing on one foot to take the phone.


" Hey Tara, Its Zac." Came her best friends voice through the phone. Immediatly Tara's spirts brigtened as a huge smile split over her face.

"Zac! I've been wondering when you were going to call." Tara exclaimed happily.

" Yeah, Well, Ike told me I should call and invite you to come to the park with us." Assuming 'us' only included Zac, Ike and Tay, she eagerly accepted the invitation.

"Well, My mom wasn't exactly down with the idea of me coming with my messed up limbs." Tara joked walking along side Taylor on her crutches. She eyed the girl on the other side of Zac. So thats who was in the red car. She thought to herself. It was Lisa. Someone whom Tara couldn't stand. Lisa had been in one of her classes the year before, and even though Tara had never said anything about it, She constantly had to sit and listened to the curly haired brat brag about living so close to 'Hanson'.

" How did you hurt yourself, I never got the full story." Lisa said with a smile so fake, it couldn't of melted an m&m.

Tara smiled back and said, " I got hit by a car. " She said it like it meant nothing to her, Even though it basically meant the world.

Lisa's jaw dropped open as she looked at Tara. "I bet that hurt." The ditz replied almost falling off the edge of the sidewalk as she walked. Tara saw Zac try to stifle a laugh.

Tara rolled her eyes. " Of course it hurt...I got hit by a car, that isin't exactly a pleasant experiance you know.

Lisa's smile faded as she continued to walk on the other side of Zac. Her eyes rivited back to concentrating on the sidewalk in front of her.

There has to be someway I can get this girl out of the way. Lisa thought in head Im not going to get anywhere with this blonde gimp taging along.

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