Greetings 1999 has been a great year for our family. Our most shining moment was the birth of our son Isaac Cole Hampton. He came into this world on August 24, 1999 at 10:59 am. He weighed 9 lbs. 15 oz and was 21 ½ in long. He has been very healthy and loveable baby. He is in the 90th percentile on the growth charts, so we may have us a football player. He now weighs close to 16 lbs. and is 26 in long. Holding his head up on his own has been the biggest obstacle that he has overcame. He enjoys sleeping as much as his mother, so we are thankful for that. Getting a laugh out of him isnt very hard. He seems to enjoy his Fathers silly faces and his Aunt Sheilas the most. His favorite toys so far consist of Lee Lance and his Brown Puppy Dog, cant go to sleep without them. He enjoys listening to classical music while he is going to sleep and his lullabies in the car. His most favorite past time is lying under his Jungle Gym Mobile that Nana gave him. Overall he has been a big blessing to our family, and we thank the Lord every day for him. Shannon has been busy. In January he celebrated his 25th Birthday. In February he celebrated his promotion with Wal-Mart. He is now "Team Lead" in the Computer Based Learning department of training. As of September he has been with Wal-Mart for 10 years. Elizabeth has been a very busy mother. She left her job in May from J B Hunt so she could focus on her new baby. Her new activities for the day now include baby baths, diaper changing, feedings, burping, and making sure Isaac has regular bowel movements. She does try to get out of the house, trips to Wal-Mart are now something to look forward to!