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:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::BLOG::::::::.....

HEAVIEST RAIN EVER EXPERIENCED [ ... ]-30.10.2004, Saturday
Had dinner with my family at the coffeeshop next to Kuching Park, the wind was so strong and my hair is flying everywhere. Then when we started eating, the heavy downpour started togehter with thunder and lightning also the wind. The wind was so strong and even we're sitting inside the shop got splash by the rain water, ppl sitting outside all shift into the small coffeeshop, so cramped. Never experienced such a heavy rain before.

About less than one hour later finally it's getting smaller coz the wind blew it away. Then we went to Toyota showroom and have a look at the new car, Avanza. Hmmm... not to my liking. The seats suckssssssssss.... and not as spacious as my imagination ehhehe... it's assembled locally and really wonder why all locally assembled car's seat so lousy, these goes the same to Vios and also Altis. Then I tried out Camry... it's really really nice... leather seats, very comfortable and spacious and I didn't feel like coming out of it. LOL... Just for your information, Avanza is available for booking now and u'll only get your car next year Oct. My goodnesss... so long!!!! By that time it's out of date already. Not worth... not worth... down payment RM1000 summore. You'll never know what will happen within that one year and in case you regret, just say goodbye to your RM1K!!!

ONE MORE COMING... [ ... ]-28.10.2004, Thursday
A new project is coming in now and going to start busy again. Hopefully this time will go smoothly and no more problem like the previous ones and the previous ones haven't resolved yet, didn't manage to arrange an appointment with him for the past few days. Finally today got to arrange an appointment with him to meet up this Saturday.

FINAL RESULT IS OUT [ ... ]-26.10.2004, 10pm, Tuesday
Eeeeeeeeeeeeee.... poor result again!!! 'D' & 'C'!!! A little bit more I'll got 2Cs... every term like that, I was quite confident for the exam compare to previous exam, even expeccting a 'B' and 'C', it's really... really... disappointing. Sigh... it's getting harder and harder to score since the standard is set higher now compare to previous term, my luck... most probably I will end up with Third Class Honour, not even in Second Class Honour Lower Division. This is the end of my degree... bad ending...got 1A, 1B, 3Cs and 2Ds(both 49 mark, just add 0.5 and it'll be in C range) :( I'm so sad... what a bad hair day... not getting client approval, tonnes of jobs that the boss dumped to me, haven't complete them yet need to continue tomorrow, extra job summore since the client didn't approve my design and now lousy result... *sob* so stressssssssssssss...

I really wish you're here now dear... u'll sure to make me smile again... and u give me the strength... miss you so so much... haven't talk to u for one week++, not even online. It feels like ages.

I DON'T LIKE IT! [ ... ]-26.10.2004, 7pm, Tuesday
Thought that my 1st web design project will be completed today. It should be, today I'm supposed to let the client see it, I uploaded it to our server and let him view it first before upload it to their own. The next thing I got was a call from him saying he doesn't like the design, it's different from what he had seen last time and the shadow effect for the titles are messy. What the h*** is this?!?!?!? The previous sample showed are exactly the same as the completed designed, there are shadow effect there and he didnn't say antyhing about it and said he liked it. That's the design he approved and now he said he doesn't like it after the completion. D*** it!

Ok... fine... I am happy to change some minor things for the design. He wanted to discuss with me on what to changed and one good thing is that he'll only change those that is easy to modify(this is what he said, don't know what will happen when I meet him) but what I don't like is that he said that the design he saw last time wasn't the same as what he's seeing now. Grrrrrrrrr... should have prepare a document for him to sign last time when he viewed the skeleton of the design saying that no changes will be made to the design after he approved on the skeleton, everything will be based on the skeleton.

I didn't prepare this document, didn't thought of it. Blame myself on this!!! Next time must prepare all the documents so that there's black and white to argue over it. Now... I'll just hope that he doesn't change too much things and hope that he understands my difficulty of changing them. I have other projects in hand now and don't really have much time to spend on his project. He's been delaying it for so long that the website is supposed to be completed last month and I only got his information last week, one-month-delay. Sigh...

Just pray high and low that he wouldn't be changing too much things and think positive, treat this as a lesson and at least gain some experiences. Actually I knew this kind of things will happen but funny thing is that it didn't came to me when I'm in the process of preparing the documents until this "incident" reminded me of it. So... this is the lesson of the day.

INCREASING!!!! [ ... ]-21.10.2004, Thursday
Went to my optometrist and had my eye sight checked... I thought I'll be maintaining -2.25 for both or improving for my short-sighted, NO!!!! It increased!!! -2.50 for both. Sigh... from -3.00++ improved to -2.25 now worsen though it's only a bit of increment but not feeling so happy about it, could be because I'm working with the computer for more than 10++ hours a day. Grrrr...

LEK TAU SUAN [ ... ]-19.10.2004, Tuesday
My aunt cooked a big pot of "Lek Tau Suan" and gave some to us. It's actually green beans that had its skin removed. It is boiled with sugar and sago. Usually "yeu cha kueh" is served with it for breakfast.
Left: A pot of
"lek tau suan"
Right: A bowl of "lek tau suan" served with
"yeu cha kueh".

It's delicious when it's served hot and with
"yeu cha kueh".

COMBO LAKSA [ ... ]-17.10.2004, Sunday
Just noticed a new coffee shop open next to Penview Inn at Pending Height Commercial Center(actually it's opened quiet a while already but only realized it this morning, see how ignorant am I...). It's called Combo Laksa. The laksa is served in a very special way, it's not the normal kind that is served in the bowl, this is served in coconut. RM4.50 per bowl(or should I say coconut, since it's not serve in a bowl LOL...), they also sell nasi lemak and it's served in coconut too. Pretty unique.

The flavour of the coconut is quite strong, when the laksa gravy is hot, it sipped into the coconut flesh and the heat brought out the aroma of the coconut. Nice treat for your taste buds but mind you the flesh cannot be eaten, it's too hard, guess it's old coconut that's why. It's quite sinful for those that are on diet because not only the the gravy contains coconut milk(it has a generous amount of it, judging from the look of the gravy), it served in coconut summore. Quite fattening. Luckily I'm not on diet, no way for me to go on diet!

Yeah... another good laksa from Kuching and good thing is that it's near my house summore hahahah... Give it a try, it is advisable to eat-in rather than takeaway(picture below). It's too much hassle to takeaway. It took quite sometimes to prepare it at home. The gravy is in the coconut and wrap with plastic wrapper so that it will not spill out unlike usual laksa gravy that is poured into plastic bag when you takeaway.

Really couldn't help it, I'm supposed to choose 2 pictures for this post but it's too irresistable might as well post all 4 up ^_^
---(cross posted in catscity)---

SICK~~~~[ ... ]-11.10.2004, Monday
AHCOOO!!! *SNIFF*... headache, muscle ache, whole body is hot, no appetite... I'm sick... haven't been sick for a long long time. Cannot stand it anymore... going to sleep. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

FROZEN BUBBLE [ ... ]-09.10.2004, Saturday
It all started on Thursday. I'm alone in the office having my lunch, after lunch, nothing to do, so I went to catscity and surf around. I was so bored so I tried out Frozen Bubble. Just to see what it is all about and turned out that it's the game that I like to play LOL... never bother to take a look or find out what Frozen Bubble is, all I know it's a game. I played for a while in the office and when boss came back I qucikly close the window hahhah...
Then today nothing much to do at home, I online and Frozen Bubble strucked me. I let it load in my browser and then I disconnect from the Internet. Starting from 2:30pm I played, got so excited, getting addicted. I played until my laptop's battery almost flat, I quickly got my cable and charged it and continue playing ahaha... I played until 20++ round, didn't notice how many round was it. All I can remember was over 20 rounds. Kept playing and playing and always got stucked at round 6. Then second highest, it's round 17, after that it never exceed this round.

My brother has quite a number of CDs for this kind of game and I always play with it when he installed it in the computer but I don't want to install it in my laptop. At least now found one that no need any installation and can play it in my browser offline. Faster and easier. Arggg... I'm addicted to it already...

SAME NAME [ ... ]-08.10.2004, Friday
Allen(Alan), Albert... wow... I came across these 2 names so many times. In my hand now, the clients I deal with are either Allen or Albert. In my record I have 3 Allens(Alans), 2 Alberts. My goodness... when boss said called Allen(Alan)/Albert to ask this, this and this... I have to sort out which Allen(Alan)/Albert to call. It's very funny. LOL... sometimes when the client called and told me his name, I had to guess which one is it in case he didn't tell me where he's calling from.

By the way, there're new photos uploaded in MISC2004 album, the photos of August gathering of my Informatics friends at My House Steamboat. Finally had time to do so. Oh one more, the Kuching Festival 2004 album is available already. All these while I thought it's already in my album gallery but it's not, just notice it yesterday no wonder only 1 visit since I got it ready almost 2 months ago. So absent minded.

MEN BUYING VEGES [ ... ]-07.10.2004, Thursday
I just noticed that lately many of the "uncles" around the area I'm staying are helping their wife buying vegetables early in the morning. Never came accross it before, just noticed the trend lately. I thought my dad is the only one that is doing this. Now more men are doing it for their wives. Cool... maybe they saw my dad doing it almost every morning, buying veges from the van that sell vegetables every morning in the area where I live (my mom told him to buy what he wants to eat so that she do not need to squeeze her brain on what to cook everyday, that's how it started haahahah... "you buy what you want, I'll cook for you"). Then now it becomes a habit to my dad. That's a very sweet thing to do a little gesture like this will go a long way. Don't you agree????

NEW PHONE??? [ ... ]-03.10.2004, Saturday
Hahahaha... I changed my phone's cover since the previous cover the blue ones is scratched because I accidentally banged it at the door edging. It looked much bigger now, I don't really like the shape, it looks very bulky but it's nice to press, the buttons are easier to press compare to the previous ones.

I've switched the Previous Entries' links to the top of the page instead of below coz many ppl couldn't find them. HAAHAH... still have no time and mood to design the new interface for next year.

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