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Stephan's World!..Tools..

Here you can add and promote your site,few source codes,add images to your scrapbook,check how some words are spelled, take time to explore and feel free to submit your sites to many of those links!
(on the promotion page)

*** PB Scrapbook Transloader ***

Just type in the url of the image you wish to upload and click on "Do It" and it will be copied and sent to your Pagebuilder scrapbook!

Put Images in your E-Mail or Webpage and upload below in your scrapbook;

View HTML codes-source viewer;

Spell Checker;

Comments & or Questions:

To get higher on search engines, you're going to have to use Meta Tags. If you don't know how to write them for yourself, use this JavaScript! Just enter the information about your site and it'll spit out the Meta Tags that you need to put on your pages (in the HEAD tags).

Site Description
(more descriptive the better)
Up to 10 Keywords
(separated with spaces)
Here is your META - tag coding.
Put it in the HEAD of your HTML document.

***Text To Speech***


***HTML Test Bed***

*** Language Translator***

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