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The Learning Tower

Educational Parent-Student-Teacher Agreement

Education is a Team Effort
We need to recognize that while parents provide a conducive and supportive environment for learning, much of the responsibility falls on the student who must come with the mental attitude of being ready and willing to work and learn. Educational success can be reduced to three things - ability, opportunity, and action. Students have different abilities and, as a result, some have to work a little harder than others to achieve similar results. Parents and teachers provide students with the learning opportunity and, in turn, students accordingly take action. The learning process and academic success requires a concerted commitment from parents, students, and the teacher.

Rule of Thumb
When it comes to education and learning, there is no such thing as a miracle. It is true that many parents will say that my work with a student was a miracle because of spectacular results - improved attitude and improved performance. But the truth of the matter is that like luck, the harder you work … the luckier you get. The student will get out of the teaching process proportional to what the student puts into any given task.

Parental Involvement
The most successful students come from homes where parents are concerned and actively involved in the student's academic progress. The parent hereby agrees to regularly stay involved in the student's assignments, homework, and progress.

Student Responsibility
The most successful students understand that school and study have an ultimate goal, to attend college and succeed in the professional world. Recognizing this, the student hereby agrees to stay committed to the assignments and to expect to experience and enjoy progress.

Repetition is the Mother of Learning
Optimal educational performance requires regularity. Based on my experience, a minimum of once-a-week meetings will ensure the student with regular and structured learning.

Payment for Services
Payment for educational services shall be in advance for the month.

Rescheduling and Cancellations
Parents and students should understand that the teacher has made a time commitment to educate. All cancellations or rescheduling must be done with 24 hours prior notice. Failure to provide proper notice with either a received e-mail, recorded phone message, or a phone conversation will result in a forfeiture of the lesson and will not be reimbursed or carried forward.

The undersigned parties understand and affirm all the sections of this Agreement.

____________________ ____________________
Parent Date

____________________ ____________________
Student Date

____________________ ____________________
Teacher Date

Peter Hébert
c/o The Learning Tower
13252 Country Ridge Drive
Germantown, Maryland 20874
Phone (301) 540-9328

This Web Site was conceived by Peter Hébert.
© 1999 The Learning Tower is an educational non-profit organization.

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