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Who Am I?

Sharon L. Williams-Wenger - I hold a Master's in Education from Claremont Graduate University, and have eighteen years teaching experience in public and private California schools as a Resource Specialist, seven years as an educational therapist. I hold a current K-12 Multiple Subjects Clear Credential, an LH Specialist Credential, and Resource Specialist Certification. I am currently a member of the Association of Educational Therapists and the International Dyslexia Society, and specialize in treating processing disorders through PACE and other effective one-to-one research-based methods. I also provide my clients and others around the country with advocacy services when needed, and with nutritional support and counseling when appropriate.

Consultation Services

Consultation is available for up to two hours per person free of charge. I can offer a variety of services in the following areas:

IEP Consultation - if you are about to have an IEP with your school/district and want advice as to what to ask for, what kind of documentation you need to get the desired services, who should go with you, what kind of goals to request, etc.

Adaptations/Technological Tools/Section 504 plan - even if your child does not qualify for special education assistance, there are a variety of in-class adaptations you may request, if you know what is out there.

Assessment - Interpretation of test results in language you can understand and use in your search to get reliable, effective help for your child, from the district or from private practitioners. I can also help you to understand exactly what each test is telling you, its reliability and validity, etc.

Nutritional Counseling - for both adults and children with attention deficit disorder and other common overlapping diagnoses with learning problems, nutritional support and supplementation can be a very effective way to support the "whole person." Some very effective whole food supplements can make a big difference in overall functioning and healthy living. Click here for more detailed information on my nutritional website Organic Whole Foods for the Whole Family

Locating Professional Assistance - such as Neuropsychologist, Occupational Therapists, Educational Therapists, Vision Therapists, Advocates, Private Schools and Non-Public Agencies, etc.

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