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Yea that’s right you…

I have been hoping to catch you on today

I needed to tell you something

It is something I think you need to know

Well it is not a bad thing, no

Yes it is a good thing

Shhhh, how can I tell you if you keep asking,

About all these things

I know you're curious

So be patient now, it is worth it I promise

You and I have been friends now for a very long time

You know it is true, right

I mean you have always been here when I needed you

When I have felt down you have made me smile

Listened for hours to all my problems

Made them all seem less serious by letting them out

Laughter is such apart of our conversations

Loneliness is something of the past

Because you are always there for me

Friendship is a gift of love

Something that is given freely

And must also be earned with love

It is the most precious gift of all

You give it without expecting anything in return

Freely of the heart you have given it to me

There is one other thing you have given me

I bet you do not know what it is

You have shown me what a friend really is

I find myself so much better for your gift

I try my best to return your gift to all those I meet

I have learned to the kind of friend you are to me

One who is missed when they are not on line

Lends a hand to those in need

Bring a smile to those who frown

Listens with my heart

To care and to share

To be the kind of friend that you have been to me

So this is to tell you just how special you are

To return in part your gift of friendship

For showing me how to be a good friend too

One I hope whom is just a little like you

So you see it is not a bad thing

But a very special thank you for being you

Author: Katty Kane

