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With my camera in hand I head out the door

My inspiration I need to find

A walk by the lake brings visions to capture

A freighter is slowly making its way down the channel

Silently it glides through the water

Majestic and proud it seems to be

I round the bend and raise my camera high

What luck has befallen me this day

The mast of a tall sailing ship fills my lens

With grace and beauty it skims over the water

The warmth of the day adds a misty look

It was a vision to see

What a picture they make boats of all kinds

With white sails against a blue sky

Sailing along with not a care

Just enjoying the beautiful day it is

A motor boat slips into the scene

I see it as it all comes together

And click the shutter to capture my picture

An old car has been brought out and preserved

Shared here with us all to enjoy

To some it brings back memories to life

While others just marvel at this wondrous site

Looking as good to us now as it must have looked then

A piece of our history to be preserved for all time

Wisteria is such a lovely flower

Its beauty is uncompelled

With camera in hand I capture the beauty

The drooping flowers cascading gracefully from the tree

Let us not forget the other flowers in the garden

Whose colours brighten our day

A walk out in nature can inspire all that come

The goose by the waters edge calling its mate

What a wonderful picture he makes

Or the sandpiper among the reeds and grass

His little leg up like he is posing just for me

To top it all off white flowers show their beauty for us

Then a sound close by attracts my attention

Water softly running over rocks as it flows by

A glorious site is seen, natures beauty at its best

With a bridge to join one side to the other

Where all get a view of this magnificent wonder

To capture and save for others to see and enjoy

In this world of ours so wondrous and great

Inspiration is all around us to see and enjoy

So take the time and grab your camera

Go out and find some inspiration of your own

A picture is worth a thousand words

So go out and write a book of your own

Author: Katty Kane

All the pictures on this page were taken and sent to me by: Mike Walton

Pt. Lambton, Ont

Contact him at:

He takes beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing Mike.

