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Orion Model

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According to usual practice during the construction process of a new liner, a 'builders model' perhaps several were produced to detail concepts prior to construction of the liner and "as built". Orion being a new concept ship, had several models made, two of which I know are still in existence. The model pictured below is on display at The Dock Museum at Barrow on Furness near where Orion was built.


During contruction in the 30's  and a photo of her in storage recently.

Courtesy of The Dock Museum.

A Restoration in Sydney

The second model is held by the Sydney Heritage Fleet (Maritime Museum) and is currently undergoing an extensive refurbishment by talented craftsman Warwick Riddle. Below are a collection of Warwicks photos showing some of the finer detail and also of the damage evident prior to restoration. A third model was held by P&O at their London office.


Damaged Model prior to restoration 

Restored hull minus superstructure

Detail of the Bow deck

View from starboard and forward of Bow deck.

Model still minus superstructure.

Detail of Napier-Austin Windlass - incomplete and progressing.

The Swimming Pools and environs


All the above model photos are the property of  model maker Warwick Riddle.

If you wish to use these photos in other projects please contact me for contact details.

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