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Today's Child

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Questions? (continued)
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Motor Development Amanda wrote: 
 I am looking for the changes in motor development skills between different ages of children. I need to find the changes in age ranges from 0-2 2-4 4-6 6-8 8-10 I would like to know if you could suggest any other sites where I may be able to find this information. Your information provided is very helpful and clear. Thank you
> copyright: YES
Back ] Hello;
thank you for visiting my website.
I hope the following sites help you in your search for the child
development information.

they will be a good start anyway. 
best of luck and if you need more information, please email me again.


Please Note: 
This site is not a substitute for personal medical attention, diagnosis or hands-on treatment. 
If you are concerned about a child, please consult your family's health care provider or educator. 
Every child, every family, every environment is different, and a book or internet site does not have the insight
into the reader's personal situation to adapt to the individual strengths and needs.
~ Today's Child / Debbie Roswell
copyright, 1999