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Tips & Hints

Coat Shine:
1/4 cup water
1 cup baby oil
2 Tablespoons Cidar Vinegar
Mix altogether and put in a spray bottle.

Don't throw away those old beeswax containers as they make great bridle holders!

If you have a horse that hates being wormed, squirt the paste into 2 pieces of bread and feed as a sandwich.

To give your horse a shine to his coat, add a few tablespoons of cooking oil to his feed. Gradually build up to about a cup of oil.

An old toothbrush is very handy for cleaning the little nooks & crankies on your saddle & bridle.

To help prevent your horse getting colds put a couple of tablespoons of garlic powder in his feed.

Put hair gel in your horses mane before plaiting as it helps keep it all together without making it a sticky mess.

To help you to learn your dressage tests, get an old sheet and mark out the letters. Then you have a portable arena you can 'trot' round on to learn your test!

To keep your horses tail out of the way when travelling, plait it starting from the end of the bone to the end of the tail. Take it out when you arrive and it gives a wavy effect to the tail.

If your horse is covered with sweat after your ride and it is to cold to hose him down, brush up his hair the wrong way as this helps him cool down quicker and then you can throw on a rug.

When mounting, put your whole foot into the stirrup and point your toe down so you do not stab your horse in the ribs when jumping on!

Email me if you have any more good ideas for Tips & Hints! - You will be credited.