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Who is this?

Hi! I'm Mari, a 26-year-old woman from Finland, Europe. I live in the capital city of Finland, Helsinki. My family (mom, dad & 2 brothers) live elsewhere.

I recently graduated (in May 2002) from DIAK - Diaconia Polytechnic, with Bachelor's degree in social welfare and church social welfare and I'm working now in a special vacational school as a social worker.

What else? My interests and hobbies include music (singing,playing & listening), floor-hockey, traveling, hanging out with friends. I've traveled quite a bit abroad. Just to mention a few countries: Sweden, Norway, Germany, Austria, Greece, UK, USA, Ethiopia... I'd still love to travel more. Wanna join?

More about me

Being a Christian is something I'd like to share with you... I'm a Christian believer, origins in The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Finland. I'll continue with this issue later...ok?

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." Rom 15:13 "Toivon Jumala täyttäköön ilolla ja rauhalla teidät, jotka uskotte, niin että teillä Pyhän Hengen voimasta olisi runsas toivo." Room 15:13

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