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Some Notes
Making the Movie
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As you should know, Princess Mononoke is a film where details are important to introduce you into this ancient world. Also some little scenes are not easily understood by non-Japanese people.
Because of this I think it would be nice to explain some of this things and each of the following topics explain one detail:


First off all you shall know that Mononoke Hime is placed in feudal Japan (XV and XVI centuries) during the Iron Age, a time during what different lords struggled to take over the islands and even the Emperor was only a mere figure without real power.


In this type of world much people became exiled because of the persecutions of the different clans and died from famine. With more important things to think, people started to pay less and less attention to the spiritual world, the gods and the Nature and started to invade some of the before sacred places, the forests. That's when the animal gods and such things also turned against humans, starting an ever-so-present battle.


That's when we see Iron Town, a place where all the outcast and exiled people who didn't mind to work hard could find a place to survive. Being a town of miners and forgers surrounded by forest, the villagers were always mining the hills, extracting iron, polluting the water and cutting trees to supply the furnaces. Obviously the forest's gods didn't like this at all and also started trying to destroy the humans, beginning the situation we find at the arrive of Ashitaka there.


At Iron Town some men were against women working at the foot bellows because in that time people considered that this was a very noble work that only men could do. They believed that if women did this the iron would turn to be stained, and being this women former prostitutes that had been saved from that life by Lady Eboshi...


The weapons like the one that Lady Eboshi used to shoot off the head of the guardian spirit can be misunderstood by rifles but they are new designed hand canons made by the blacksmith lepers from the town. It was only in by the XVI century that Portuguese navigators introduced this weapons in the Orient, so the ones in the movie probably came from China.

Web Mistress: seastar