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Some Notes


Some Notes
Making the Movie
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When I went to see Mononoke Hime at the cinema, some parents also went to accompany their little children (which was a big mistake because the film is rated PG-12) and I can assure you that they liked! Maybe not the young ones but the adults yes.

Princess Mononoke is not a kid's movie. It threats old and actual matters like the battle between the civilization and the Nature, the search for balance and the self-discovery that can't be fully understand by children.

Also this film don't have a character that is clearly the 'bad one' or the 'good one' (you'll see that Eboshi and San fight for what they believe is a good cause, both of them having noble objectives, and even Ashitaka went through all that, at the beginning, only to achieve his cure) and that can confuse them.

At the same time, the film has lots of action and, inclusive, some scenes of real violence (contextual) that are not advised to young children.

With this I'm not trying to say that Mononoke Hime is a porno film or a very violent one, only that I think those 8 years-old kids with their jaws dropped on the floor didn't like very much seeing samurais arms and heads flying all over the screen (personally I liked those parts. They were funny! ^-^).

Interesting, no?

Now seriously, this is a very good film and if it has some violence it's because that's the way Japan was during those years and it's important for the plot line. There's no gratuitous violence! Anyway, I don't think this is an obstacle for you...

The fact is that during the interval (the movie has the duration of 128min) I only heard adult people talking good about it, saying things along the lines of 'I didn't thought it was like this' and It's really good', including some 'I should have bring my husband/wife'.

Like I said, this is a film that everyone likes, even people who never saw anime before or think that that is for little kids. This, of course, except for who likes a very linear plot (a good guy, a bad guy, much fighting and lots of kissing) and little kids.


If you want to read some reviews about Princess Mononoke you can see the ones from 

Sun Times (english)


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