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L&L Brigade Newsletter Dec. 6


YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! AND A BIG SIGH OF RELIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JJ IS STAYING ON GH! At least it's 99% certain. I read that he didn't get everything he was asking for, but neither did GH. So, maybe all of the noise we made got TPTB to bend a little more after all. Great work! I'm looking for some of you to design victory banners to replace our picket signs now. We will want to wait for complete confirmation before posting them, just to make sure we don't jinx anything, but we need to have them ready.

CELEBRATION CHATS are already scheduled for some regiments. We have just grown too large to hold an entire Brigade celebration. Some of you remember the crowd in the chat room at the TK celebration last Sept., and we've doubled in size since then. Check with your Captain or LT. to find out when a celebration has been scheduled for your regiment.

CYBER SOAP AWARDS WERE ALSO A VICTORY! For those of you who haven't seen the results from Nov. poll yet; Lucky won as favorite male character by 48%, Liz for favorite female character by 83%, and the Mob Squad storyline won by 73%. Great job everyone who voted. What better way to get TPTB's attention than in ABC's own poll? We aren't up for as much this month, but be sure to still vote!

JJ AND RLJ WERE ON LEEZA last Friday. How many of you got to see it? I only caught the last 20 minutes. I didn't hear JJ say much, but I was impressed with what RLJ said. Both seemed more articulate and mature than the others on stage. I really don't think that's just because I'm biased (and I'm sure none of you will argue with me). For those of you who have asked rhetorically who that guy in the middle was, he is a D.J. on one of the stations in L.A. I have to confess that I do listen to him every afternoon, but I never realized he was so obnoxious. He actually had JJ on his show last summer. How strange is that? If anyone knows where we can find a transcript of the Leeza show, please let me know.

BECKY WILL BE ON THE HOWIE MANDEL SHOW ON WED!!! Don't forget to set your VCRs. I know for a lot of you this show is on opposite GH. Don't think you can skip GH, though, because that is the day L&L talk about Christmas. Any of you Brigaders who have two VCRs or can make dubs, can you help some of our fellow soldiers out? Email your Captains if you can help or if you will need to get a copy from someone. Captains, if you can't find someone in your regiment who can help your needy soldier, email me or check with other regiments.

A BRIGADERS LETTER IN SOW! Pvt. jjsjoy, doing her brigade duty, wrote a letter to Soap Opera Weekly urging GH to keep JJ on contract. She did such a good job that her letter appeared in this week's issue! Read her scoops column below to see what she wrote. Great job and congratulations, Pvt!

SOD TICKETS WERE PURCHASED this week for those Brigders definitely attending the awards here in L.A. this Feb. When I went to the box office to buy them the lady told me they were sold out. I think I scared her because I nearly screamed, "No, they can't be!" She checked and, thankfully, she still had seats left. In fact, I was amazed that she still had some good seats left. But she told me that they are nearly gone now, so anyone still thinking they want to attend needs to decide asap. I'll be happy to try purchasing another group of tickets as soon as people send me their money.

THE CHRISTMAS WREATHS for JJ and BH will be delivered to ABC Studios tomarrow. I couldn't deliver them on Friday because I needed the weekend to make them. This way they won't be lost or forgotten over the weekend. Again I just have to say "Wow!" at how generous and creative you all are. I was still getting donations on Saturday! Because you all sent so much, I decided to make a third wreath for Michele Val Jean. After all, we are a fan club for the L&L story and she had the courage to use her own tragic experience to write the rape story in the first place. I think she deserves as much of our thanks and admiration as JJ and BH. I chose not to make JJ and BH's wreaths with a Christmas theme because I want them to feel free to leave them up all year. I received so many beautiful Christmas items, though, that I made Michele a festive, holiday wreath. I hope you all approve :). I will try to get pics of the wreaths posted this week.

REGIMENT PAGES are still being designed and I love all the creative ideas you are coming up with. Don't forget to email your Captain and Lt. if you have any ideas of your own.

NO ONE HAS LOST THEIR RANK!!! I want to clarify what I said about ranks last week. You all have the same rank you've been using. We will just not be doing promotions anymore. So, if you aren't sure of your rank, then you are a private. When I do refer to Brigade Officers, though, I'm only referring to Commander, Captain, and Lt. I hope that is clear now and I'm sorry if I worried any of you.

A NEW BOOK ABOUT JJ has just been done by Jim Warren. He did the books about Maurice and Steve (I'm pretty sure). It has 24 b&w photos and can be ordered for $20. Send a money order to P.O. Box 3555 Hollywood, CA 90078. Be sure to specify you are ordering the Jonathan Jackson book.

One final note: I'm having problems with my computer and I will be attempting to solve them this week. That will take some time, though, and things might get messier before they get better. So, if I don't get to your emails right away, please don't think I'm ignoring them or that I didn't receive them. Hopefully when I get everything fixed I'll be able to post on ABC boards at home again. I've really missed that!

Say a little prayer for me tomarrow as I'll be going to THE ABC STUDIOS to deliver the wreaths!!!!!!!!!

Keep the faith! May L&L live forever!
|_ _| Commander Boo


L&L Brigade Newsletter, Dec. 13


WHAT A WEEK!!!!!!!!! JJ is staying for certain! Tom went to prison and we got TK6! Not to mention the little fact that Jonathan and Becky wrote to the Brigade!


The wreaths turned out wonderful! I certainly can't take the credit because it was all the fabulous items on them that made them look so impressive. I used dried, grapevine wreaths that had a real rustic look. Wide satin ribbon with a thin gold trim was looped around the wreath and made into a full bow at the top. The ribbon on JJ's wreath was a periwinkle blue and BH's was rose. They went together nicely. As far as the size of the wreaths go, Captain LL1998 asked me, "Was is a small pizza, a medium pizza, or a large pizza?" Well, it was a large pizza. In fact, I thought that was the perfect description.

I made the wreaths Sunday afternoon. ALLLLL..... Sunday afternoon. It was a lot of fun, though, and I feel like I should be thanking you for giving me the chance to do it. My mom helped me out and the two of us had a blast! I wanted to deliver them first thing Monday morning, but I was warned that was the worst time to deliver things to a studio. So, I sweated it out until 1:00, but that was the longest I could stand waiting. It only took me 15 minutes to drive to ABC Studios. I thought I was prepared for anything, but I had completely forgotten about the strike. I had never crossed a picket line in my life and I hated doing it. I almost wanted to roll my window down and tell the picketers I wasn't a scab and I actually supported them, but I didn't think the policemen standing guard would appreciated it too much. No one yelled or gave me dirty looks, but it was very tense. Because of the added security, I wasn't allowed to deliver the wreaths to the GH lot myself. I took them to the mail room, which was temporarily set up in a trailer at the far end of the parking lot. Again, I think this was added security. The guys working there were very cool! I had the wreaths on hooks and draped with white, plastic covers. They asked if they could peek and then said, "Wow! Did you make those? There great!" Needless to say, that made me feel good. One of the guys bypassed the mail carts to put them in a little truck and said he'd take them right over himself. I can only assume JJ and BH were on set and got them right away because their "Thank you" letter was postmarked that same day.

So, that was Monday and on Wednesday their letter came to the Brigade P.O. Box. This is funny, but when I saw the envelope I believed without a doubt that it was a prank. It seemed impossible that they could have responded already, and the only time they would have received the P.O. Box address was with the wreaths. I truly thought someone had gotten the address off the site and was playing a joke. You can imagine how shocked I was when I opened it and saw the letter with the picture. And I do mean SHOCKED! I think it took me five minutes before I actually reacted at all. Then I wrote you that email with trembling hands. I was so excited if I could have I probably would have called each one of you :) And that, you see, was the reason for my now infamous typo, "BHJ" instead of "BH" No hidden meaning, guys. I am one of those who doesn't put any credit in rumors about Jonathan and Becky being a couple. I did find a lot of your emails about it funny though, and, for those of you who asked - NO! I didn't attend the wedding and not tell you!

I know you all want me to put the pic they sent us up on the site. Believe me, I'm dying to share it with you. Unfortunately, right now the scanner I use is broken. That is why I still don't have the pics of JJ and BH doing the L&L Brigade salute at SSW up yet either. I really do apologize. I am trying to find a scanner I can borrow. In the mean time, I found a pic that is very similar on another web site. I will attach it to this email. In case you have trouble down loading it, you can pull it up yourself at this url. I didn't ask permission to use this pic, but since I am only sending it in an email and not posting it I hope the owner of the site won't mind. Again, this pic isn't exactly like ours, but it's the same pose in the same clothes.

A lot of you have asked me what I wrote in the letter. Basically, I explained that the wreaths were meant to remind them of their story line this past year and how important we all felt the story was. I explained a little about the group, how special the members are to each other and how it was more than just fan club. I ended by saying that they had been part of a story line that had helped a lot of people this year and I hoped they felt very proud of the work they had done.

Here is a list of things that were on the wreaths. I hope I don't forget any of them. I couldn't use everything sent, but I tried to use something from every package.

Teddy Bears - These were a favorite.

Blue Blankets


Brownie Mix, Frosting, and Doughboy


Window with curtains for Liz's bedroom window.

Charm Bracelets

Pug Dog - "Foster."

Black and White Cat - "Gatsby."


Paints, Paint Brushes, and Sketch Pad

Tapes - some of these actually had L&L songs or "Elizabeth" recorded on them.

Musical Notes

Motorcycle - Because Lucky works in a bike shop.

Flashlight - For the flashlight Liz gave Lucky when he went to find her bracelet, and the flashlight she and Nikolas used to search for him.

Roses - For the rose Liz kept after their date at No Names.

Pizza - For the time Lucky went to bring a pizza back to Kelly's.

Leaves - Because Liz's favorite season is fall.

Cowboy Hat - Because Lucky's nickname is "Cowboy."

TV - For the pictures Liz painted for Lucky's TV.

Purple Tiles - Because Lucky said his shower had purple tile.

Keys - For the key Lucky made Liz for his apartment.

Birthday Candle - For the candle in Liz's birthday brownie

Votive Candles - For the candle Liz placed in front of the heater she had painted.

Mouse Traps - For the mouse Liz saw under the docks.


Grocery bag - For the bag of groceries Liz brought to the boxcar last summer.

Fishing Tackle - For the time Lucky tried to teach Liz to fish.

Mixer - For the time Liz turned on the mixer and splattered Lucky with Brownie dough.

Bead Bracelet - For the beads from LuLu that Lucky was wearing the night he met Liz.

Framed pic of L&L haveing their picture taken at No Names

Letters saying, "Weber" "Spencer" "E.W." "L.S." "fall" "friends" "GH"

Disney Characters - To celebrate their first year at Super Soap Weekend.

Crosses - for their faith

L&L TAPES ARE AVAILABLE! I know some of us weren't as brilliant as others and didn't realize right away that every Lucky and Liz episode would be a keeper. So, if you were like me and taped over a lot of the early stuff and now wish you could have it, your wish can come true. Pvt. CurlyQgrl has edited tapes of GH story lines including the entire L&L story. No more FF through commercials or the boring stuff you don't care about - just L&L from start to finish! If you are interested in one or all of her tapes (she has a lot of them) you can contact her for more information at

BRIGADERS IN SON! Don't forget to look for Pvt. Laura's article on SSW in the weeks Soap Opera News. We are all glad you are finally among our ranks official, Laura. You and your article are even mentioned on Callen's page. We are so proud of you!!!

HOLIDAY EMAIL CHANGES need to be forwarded to me asap. If you are going home for the holidays and need your Brigade mail sent to a different email addy, please send the change to both me and your regiment Captain. Those of you who have already sent me your holiday email addys don't need to send them again. Any of you who will be away from us during your break, we will miss you and hope you have fun with your families.

QUICK NOTE ON ROSTER. Some of you might have noticed that I haven't stayed current on the roster updates. I do apologize. We are going to have the rosters divided up on the different regiment pages soon and everyone will be included then. Please be patient with us.

That's all I have to say for now. Enjoy L&L getting ready for Christmas this week. Yes, I know I said it was last week, but I was wrong - and you all let me know it. At least I know you guys pay attention to what I write :)

Keep the faith!
|_ _| Commander Boo


L&L Brigade Newsletter, Dec. 20


Happy Holidays to everyone! I'm going to take a break and enjoy Christmas with my family next weekend, so we won't have another newsletter until after New Years. I'm sure you will all be busy celebrating too. We L&L fans have recieved so many of our Christmas wishes already, JJ staying on contract and now our "Christmas Eve gifts" from L&L (in respect of those who don't like scoops, I'll leave it at that). This is shaping up to be a great week!

ABC NEWS SPECIAL REPORTS were popping up like crazy this week and will probably be occuring more often in the coming weeks. I want to thank everyone who was willing to help their fellow Brigaders when so many of us missed Wednesday's entire episode. There were actually more offers to share tapes than tapes were needed. What a generous and supportive group you are. Since this is bound to happen again on one or both coasts, we will continue to work together so that no Brigader will ever have to miss a moment of L&L.

THE BEST THERE IS AWARDS are still being voted on, but you'd better hurry if you want to voice your opinion for the best L&L and GH moments of the year. Stop by CarlyVH's wonderful site at, but please remember to vote only once. We are all looking forward to hearing the results in January.

DON'T FORGET CYBER SOAP AWARDS. There is only one week left to vote for December's awards. I know we are all busy this month, but this is the best way to let TPTB know what the viewers want. Our couple isn't up for as much this time, so it's especially important that they win what they can. For those of you who are new, just go to the Games and Polls section on the ABC GH site.

THE NEW L&L BRIGADE BANNER that is now being posted on the web looks fabulous! For those of you who haven't seen it, it has both pics of JJ & BH doing our salute and reads, "Lucky and Liz know to do the Salute! Do you? For more details visit The L&L Brigade." Big, big, big thanks to Kreyn for getting those pics at SSW and having the guts to ask them to do it :) To Galor5 for getting the pics scanned in (after I'd been unable to for weeks), and to ELB for designing such a great banner. You guys are the BEST..... you know the rest! I will attach a copy of the banner to this email. If any of you know an L&L or GH site who would like to post our banner, please feel free to pass it along. I just ask that you please let me know so I can keep track of where we are being advertized. Thanks!

SPECIAL THANKS FROM ME to all of you who have sent me Christmas cards this year. I never expected that at all! Every day for the past two weeks I have had cards from Brigaders filling the P.O. box. I've been blown away! The people who work at that particular Post Office branch now know me as "Commander Boo" and I love it. Truly, I am unbelievably touched and I wish I had the time now to send one back to each and every one of you. You guys mean so much to me. Thanks for making me feel so special. I

T'S BEEN AN AMAZING YEAR for all of us. When 1998 began I wasn't even taping GH, I just caught it 2 or 3 times a week or so. It was a fluke that I got Feb. 13 on tape (I'm sure you all remember what Friday episode that was), and I've tape every day since then. I'd never even been on the Internet until April this year, and I was scared of chat rooms until Augest. I thought people who made friends over the Internet were wierd - LOL! If that's true, than I'm the strangest person alive! If someone had told me that in 1998 I would begin leading a GH fan club of 100+ people in 3 different countries, I wouldn't have believed it. I can't wait to see what we won't believe about ourselves in 1999! Getting to know all of you has been one of the best parts of my year and all I can say is, Thank you and God bless!


Keep the faith!
|_ _| Commander Boo


L&L Brigade Newsletter 1/3/99


HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday! Mine was wonderful. I only had one truly embarrassing moment that happened on New Years Eve. I was trying to carry on an appropriately intelligent conversation about the millennium bug, Y2K, and I kept calling it TK. A couple of those around me, who obviously know me too well, knew where the slip came from. I wanted to tell them it was the champagne talking...... if only I'd had some.

We have a lot of great plans for the L&L Brigade in 1999. Soon we will be selecting "Brigaders of the Month" to be featured on our web site and awarding medals (*) that can be attached when signing your rank, as our way of recognizing those who have gone beyond the call of duty in serving the Brigade. We will also be planning a very special fund raiser for RAINN this spring, and our Regiment pages will be up and running soon. This is all so exciting! Can you believe we are starting this New Year with a total of 111 members! This group is like the Energizer Bunny - we keep going, and going, and going.......

THE BEST THERE IS AWARDS are in! Have you all gone to CarlyVH's wonderful site to check the results yourself? These are my kind of awards, everything that wins is something that I love (even if it's not what I voted for). You won't want to miss them

THE CHRISTMAS SONG that was played at the end of GH's Christmas Eve episode I thought was so beautiful! I don't want to think how many times I rewound that entire music montage just to hear that song. If anyone knows where I could get a copy of it or who did it (was it Dave Koz?), could you please let me know? I'm dying to find it!

A NEW YEAR OF BIRTHDAYS is ahead of us! If you have not yet become a member of the Brigade birthday club, and you would like to give and receive birthday greetings from your fellow Brigaders this year, please email Galor5 . And thank you, Gayla, for keeping this going for all of us!

EMAILS TO THE ENTIRE BRIGADE have become a bit of a problem. I know that it is easy and tempting to hit the "reply all" button from my emails and send a greeting to the whole Brigade, but please be considerate of your fellow Brigaders. We are 111 members now, and growing every day, and some people don't like getting a lot of random emails from people they don't know (especially members in the Reserves). I'm so glad that you want to get to know each other better, but just imagine of every Brigader started emailing the whole group without discrimination. All of our mail boxes would be overloaded! That is why we have Officers to facilitate communication, and also why we have the rule about not giving people's addy's out. At first I didn't say anything about this, but over the holidays I started to get complaints. So, I'd just like to ask that you keep your email list to those people who you have a specific reason to email or who have already given you their addy themselves. If you have some news you think the whole Brigade would be interested in, then please send it to me. That way we can be sure they only get it once. Thanks, I really appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

As some of you know too well, the New Year brought on computer bugs for many of us. AOL members were especially hit hard, and I was one of the victims. I just got back online tonight, so I apologize for the delay in replying to some of your mail. This is also the reason we won't be having a Brigader Profile this week, and why this newsletter is shorter then usual. Things should be back to normal next week.

Keep the faith!
|_ _| Commander Boo


Sorry, guys. I somehow lost the rest of January's newsletters.

February/March 1999 Newsletters

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