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Lucky and Liz I.Q. Test
Here are the Q&A from our SSW quiz

1. Why did Laura NOT get the message from Luke that he took Lucky to a cabin for a few days to work things out with him?
A) Because LuLu erased the message on the answering machine.

2. At Brenda and Sonny's "almost wedding", whose invitation did Liz steal to get into the wedding?
A) Aunt Ruby's

3. When the Mod Squad went to New York where did they eat lunch?
A) Cafe Metis (and it looked remarkably like the one in PC)

4. When Elizabeth was worried because she didn't know where Lucky was and she felt something was wrong...Why wasn't Gram at home with her and who stayed with her that night so she would not be alone?
A) Gram was at a conference and Nik stayed with her.

5. What did Liz wear at the Hospital Christmas party in 1997?
A) She had to dress as Mrs. Clause

6. Where did Liz spend New Years Eve her first year in PC and who was she with?
A) The Outback with Sarah

7. Nick and Lucky had a conversation about Laura on her birthday Nov. of 1997. Where did it take place?
A) In Nick's hospital room after he was shot

8. When Liz tried to cook dinner for Lucky, what did she put too much salt in?
A) The potatoes

9. What FIRST made Liz think that Mr. Murty was her rapist?
A) The scent on his handkerchief

10. When the "fab four" broke into the modeling studio (the day L&L danced) what song was playing when Lucky first turned on the radio?
A) "As Long As You Love Me" by the Back Street Boys

11. What homework (what subject) did Lucky help Liz with the day she admitted to him she'd been raped?
A) Math

12. What did L&L give LuLu for her birthday in May of 1998?
A) Two stuffed puppies. Liz gave her a little one and Lucky gave her the "big brother."

13. When Lucky first made his way to Port Charles (when he was 10), who did he travel with?
A) He traveled alone

14. Where did L&L sleep the night they snuck onto Spoon Island?
A) Under the docks

15. What did Liz wear to the Mandrine Chinese Restaurant with Lucky? At what other time did she wear this?
A) A pink dress that she wore again to Nick's birthday party

16. When did Laura learn that Liz had also been raped?
A) When Lucky confronted her at Luke's when she first returned to P.C.

17. When L&L made peace with Emily, what did the three of them toast WITH? and what did they toast TO?
A) They toasted with French Fries to "Eternal peace at Port Charles High."

18. What kind of scent did Elizabeth say her rapist had?
A) spicy soap scent

19. Where is Elizabeth's hometown?
A) Boulder, Colorado

20. What is Luke's nickname for Foster, Lucky's dog?
A) skillet head

21. When Lucky was working for Helena over the spring of 1998, what pictures did she give to him?
A) Doctored photos of Laura having been beaten by Luke when he raped her.

22. At what church did L&L spend Valentines day at and also had Lucky's memorial service?
A. Mt. Hebron Baptist Church

23. What kind of flowers did Liz paint for Laura?
A. White Roses

24. What is Liz's middle name?
A. Imogene

25. What does "EPS" stand for? (Lucky told Nik he had it)
A. "Ex-Prince-Sindrome

26. What is Mr. Murty's wife's 1st name?
A. Elenor

27. What is Mr. Murty's wife's maiden name?
A) Cassidy

28. At the church on Valentines Day, which finger did Lucky put Liz's ring on?
A) Here left hand, ring finger.

29. Where does Lucky like to order ribs from?
A) Eli's

30. Where did L&L sleep Valentines Day, night?
A) Emily's room in the Port Charles Hotel

31. When Elizabeth was knitting the Christmas stockings, she had to improvise her knitting skills because Sarah had originally taught her how to knit what?
A. Mittens

32. What song did Lucky sing while Elizabeth was decorating their Christmas Tree?
A. "Deck the Halls"

33. What were all 5 Christmas gifts that The Mod Squad gave to each other (excluding Ring and Boxcar Picture)
A. ELQ hat, Tube top, guitar strings, camera, and music box.

34. What was decorating the wrap that went with Liz's Valentine Dress?
A. Butterflies

35. How many photos did L&L take in NYC? (Hint: They were on Liz's mirror)
A. 6 pictures

36. What color was Lucky's shirt that Nik gave Liz after the fire?
A. Green

37. What was the reason Lucky gave Liz for lighting the candle the night of the fire?
A. "Its warm, and it smells good and lights up a room just like you"

38. What was Lucky's rating for the pretzels Liz had at the dinner party w/ Nik and Emily (hint: it was a number).
A 5.6

39. What was the name of the model our mod squad went in search of in New York?
A. Maggie Christian

40. Liz lied to Lucky the night of the rape and told him she had been asked by someone else to the dance. What was his name and what sport did he play at PC High?
A. Chad Randell ...Basketball

41. The night Lucky and Nik staked out the docks, Lucky brought a camera with him...who originally gave him that camera and what was the camera originally supposed to be used for?
A. Robin gave it to him to take pictures of Michael at the bike shop.

42. What is Luke's nickname for Lucky?
A. Cowboy

43. On Lucky and Liz's first date at the Mandarin Inn, Lucky said he was afraid he was going to be late because the men's bathroom that he was using to change clothes and get ready in was locked, what did he use to "break into" the bathroom with?
A. Liz's hairpin

44. During the primetime episode that aired in June of 1998, Elizabeth was planning to "trap" Mr. Murty in the park...Lucky was hiding out in the bushes. What did he have to protect himself and Elizabeth with if Mr. Murty were to try to hurt Liz?
A. baseball bat

45. When L&L were on the run together...they spent one night in a department store. What did Lucky cook for dinner that night?
A. Pasta

46. Where is Elizabeth's sister Sarah right now?
A. In school in London, near their parents.

47. How much did Lucky pay for rent for the room over the garage?
A. Nothing

48. Why were L&L asked to leave Downtown Faces on their first day as interns?
A. Because Lucky ran a mail cart into a model who was flirting with Liz and they were told to go home and work out their differences.

49. Where did Luke go for the two months he left PC in the fall of 1998?
A. Greece

50. Who picked up the tab for L&L 's dinner at No Name and how did they get there?
A. Jason and Jason's limo

51. What was the first line we heard LuLu say on the show? (hint: She said it at Whyndemere)
A. "That's not her name"

52. Who was the person who convinced Elizabeth she needed to ask Lucky to the Valentine's Dance in 1998?
A. Gram

53. The night Liz agreed to be Lucky's "girl" what did they eat for dinner?
A. Ribs and cheese fries

54. What is the name of Emily's modeling agency?
A.Down Town Faces

55. Name all the paintings Elizabeth submitted to the Art Academy.
A.Lucky's portrait, still life of guitar, landscape of Whydemere

56. Before Liz's gave Lucky his own guitar, who's was he using?
A.His cousin Sly's.

57. The first night Lucky left home after learning that Luke had raped Laura, where did he sleep?
A.The bus station

58. What did Lucky tell Liz his mother used to say to him before he went to sleep?
A ."Dreams of Gold"

59. What was the second mural Liz wanted to do in Lucky's room (on the "wall" we never see) going to be?
A. The woods with Lucky's boxcar painting in the middle.

60. The morning that Nik told Lucky that Stefan, not Stavros, was his father, Lucky was busy fixing something. What was his fixing?
A. The answering machine

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