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Boo's SSW Report

Brigade Group Shot with Becky

~Click on photos for a closer look~
Pvt. Kels' SSW Pics
Pvt. Allison's SSW Pics
Pvt. Gator's SSW Pics
Lt. Galor's SSW Pics
Pvt. Angie's SSW Pics
Pvt. Kerri's Pics Coming soon!


I don't want to be home!!! I want to be in Florida still!!! I miss my friends already!!! How is it possible to make so many memories in 3 days? How is it possible to have so many kindred spirits in one group? If nothing else, this weekend made me really see what we've created in this Brigade. I always knew it was something special. But it's also something really BIG!

Wednesday night I flew from LA to Atlanta to stay with Vic (Capt. LL1998, Boxcar). This was the first time I'd been back in the South since going to school in South Carolina and I was just accosted by memories! I was so excited about going to Waffle House again - LOL! I spent two nights with Vic before picking up Joann on Friday morning and driving to Orlando. We got lost a couple of times and were late meeting our roommates (sorry guys). We stayed at the All Star Movie Resort and, although it was the cheapest hotel, it was really cool! We were in the Toy Story wing and even had those green army men guarding our room. We met our roomies, Allison and Amber, and I instantly knew it was going to be a good weekend. They both seemed really cool and I was so excited to start meeting everyone else. (Side note: I think it's better to have a packed room on these Brigade trips. This is the second time I've squeezed 5 people into one hotel room for the sake of saving money, and it's always a blast!)

The five of us drove to the Beach Club Resort where the Cape May Café is. We were early so that I could check in with the manager. At first there was some shuffling because they weren't able to get us a big table all together. They decided to put us into sections, though, and it worked out fine. By the time I got back to the lobby there was already a crowd of Brigaders. What can I say? I just started hugging everyone in site! I couldn't believe so many of us were finally together. We handed out name tags that our wonderful Gayla (Galor5) had made. I had also put together a Brigade I.Q. Test of L&L questions for everyone to try their luck at. I thought this would be a nice ice breaker, but I learned something…. Brigader do not need ice breakers when they get together :). You guys also corrected ME on a few of the questions! BTW, I'll have those answers posted at HQ soon. (Quiz Q&As posted here) Most of the dinner is a blur to me. I remember being in constant motion between tables and the lobby making sure everyone was situated and no one had gotten lost. I also remember everyone saying, "Eat Boo! Sit down and eat!" LOL! I'm afraid that buffet was wasted on me. Who had time to sit down? When most people seem to have their food, I started going to each table and handing out my surprise. Becky and I had arranged for a private "meet and greet" with just her and the Brigaders for the following evening. It was all her idea too! I had invitations made up for everyone that I passed out one by one. I had Joanne follow me with the video camera so I could get everyone's reactions. I think that Annita and Mickey had the best….although Rockybeach and Gator's were pretty great too…and than there was Frances! It was all great! I just couldn't stop grinning! After awhile I actually did sit down and take a few bites of food. Then, at one point, I looked up and realized that everyone was surrounding me and there was the video camera in my face. "Hmmmm…" I thought, "I think I might not be in on something here." Sure enough, you all totally surprised me. I wasn't expecting anything like this. I can't remember exactly what happened except someone, (was it you, Kerri?), handed me a package and said something about it being from all of you. Let me just say I have NEVER been this stunned before. I wanted to react really well but I was truly speechless. That does NOT happen to me often - LOL! I couldn't believe it when I realized that the "Boo Book" had actually been put together by so many of you. That so much thought and effort went into something for me just blows my mind. I will never forget looking up and seeing those 35 faces staring down at me. I was so overwhelmed that I had to stand up. It felt weird to be sitting in the center of all that attention. It felt like it was someone else's life not "little old me." I don't know of any gift that has meant more to me. Thank you! I also love the drawing of irises that you did for me, Erin. Wow! You are talented! And the "Commander Boo" T shirt from Karen was adorable! And, of course, the little "Boo" sweater that you gave me, Kerri. I already have it on a teddy bear and I call it, "Mini Boo." Maybe she can be our mascot :). It was a truly unforgettable evening. I'm so glad we have it on tape!

We had a VCR in our room, so there were L&L tapes playing until after 3:00 AM that night, but I have to confess to sleeping through most of it. We slept in Saturday and I couldn't find coffee at the hotel (finally found it the last morning). So, as soon as we got to MGM I made a dash to the nearest counter, "Coffee! Black! Please! Now!" Yes, your commander is a caffeine addict. After my blood began to flow properly again, I couldn't believe I was actually in a Disney World park. I've been waiting to go for years and I felt like a little kid. I really wanted to go skipping down the main street, but I held myself in check. People were already lining up for the motorcade and the Brigaders had the prime spot. While they held our places, I went to the Soap Central to get some opening shots for the video. I was so mad to find that NONE of their posters had Becky on them. What was that all about!? However, while we were there, Vic and I were stopped by a reporter from SOD Online who saw our L&L Brigade hats and wanted to know if we were there with a group. I asked her if she'd ever heard of the L&L Brigade and she said, "Oh yeah!" Vic pointed to me and said, "She's Boo." The reporter then wanted to interview us! She talked to us for a long time about how the Brigade started and how we've grown. Then she wanted to know what we thought of GH now and who we liked. Both Vic and I said, "Luke!" at the same time - LOL! We told her "Any of the Spencidines," and she just latched on to that word and cracked up. At the end she asked if we'd have a group picture taken. I told her we were planning to do one with Becky that night and she gave me her address and asked if I'd send it to her. So, guys, we may end up in an article. Cool!!! This encounter really helped bring that point home to me that the Brigade had become a big deal!

I got some great footage of the motorcade, thanks to all of you guys who held our places in the sun. It might be a little shaking in some places because I didn't bring my tripod that day and my arm really started to ache, but I did my best. I must say that seeing Becky riding by herself while Amber and Michael sat together just made me miss JJ all the more. They are such a matched-set. Later on we made our way over to Becky's autograph line. This was a mob! There were probably 200 people milling around her that first day. I just wanted to get some footage of her interacting with the fans, but I was having trouble getting close. I was about to give up when Vic pulled me to a little alcove out of the line where I was able to get right up to the barricade. After a minute, Becky looked up and saw me. She was so sweet! She jumped down off her seat to run over to me. It looks funny on the video because as soon as she hugs me the camera starts filming the ground and you only hear our voices. LOL! Then I got her to wave hi on camera to all the Brigaders before going back to signing autographs. It was great! I also got some footage of other actors signing autographs: Amber and Michael, Wally and Nancy, and later on I got Stephen Nicoles. I never did get Jackie Zeman or Linda Dano, which would have been nice. And I missed my chance to get Susan Luci because we were rushing to Becky's event. But, now I have goals for next year. Thanks once more to the Brigaders who helped hold a place in line, I got GREAT footage of Becky's first talk show. Again, it was a little sad seeing Becky up on stage all by herself. Not that she can't hold her own with anyone, but you just missed seeing JJ up there next to her. I think the funniest part of the talk show was the scene that Michael did with one of the fans. She started to make HIM nervous! It was truly cute. I think Michael made a lot of fans this weekend.

Saturday day just flew by for me. I couldn't believe that my first day at Disney World I hadn't gone on any rides. I made a quick stop at Soap Central to update HQ. It was so cool that I could create a page on our web site right there at MGM! I got the biggest kick out of that! We wanted to go back to our hotel room to shower and change before that night's "meet and greet" with Becky, though. Becky was supposed to arrive at 8:30, so we drove over to the Boardwalk Resort a little before 8:00. A lot of people were late because of traffic getting out of the park, so it was a good thing that Becky was late too. We set up in a back corner near the kid's pool where we were pretty much surrounded by bushes so people walking nearby wouldn't try to "crash the party." I waited by the main door to meet Becky and, when I walked her down to where all the Brigaders were sitting, everyone cheered her. Neither one of us were expected that, guys, but it was great! I was so proud of all of us that night. Becky seemed really relaxed and comfortable. Andi, our always serious Brigader (yeah, right!), asked the first question, "Is there going to be a Shrunken Heads II?" This cracked everyone up. (For those of you who don't know, this is a very bad horror film that Becky did a lifetime ago). Becky did her best to remember every Regiment name and thanked them for her "Soiree gifts." She also wanted to know who had volunteered this summer and told us how great she thought that was. I'm not going to go into anything she said about the story because I know a lot of people who read this might be spoiler free, but there are several things posted at the Brigade boards for those of you who are interested. Everyone got a chance to sit down with Becky for an autograph and a picture too. She really gave us a lot of her time even though she was late for an ABC party. I did manage to get her on camera giving a message to the Brigaders who couldn't attend. And, we got one group picture of her and most of the Brigaders who were there (a few had to leave early). I'll post this picture on HQ soon and you will be able to order copies from me or just copy it from the web site. I'm just thrilled with how the footage of this evening turned out so I have to thank Vic for manning the camera for me most of the time. After Becky left, Gayla and I did some door prizes for all the Brigaders. We just thought it would be a fun thing to do. I had an 8X10 candid of JJ that Frances got and, I'm telling you guys for the last time, it was not rigged :). We also gave out L&L Brigade hats, a Brigade T shirt, some other photos and (if memories serves) a photo copied script. Then half the group went to Frances's room to watch the TK Bloopers tape (I never did hear how that party turned out) and some of us went out to dinner on the Boardwalk. Oh, that place is beautiful along the water at night and we had a great time! We found a place whose first item on the menu was "Hot Pretzels." How could we go wrong?

Sunday we managed to get up earlier, but I still couldn't find the coffee. So, after I visited my friends at the same "caffeine" counter by the MGM entrance, we headed for some rides. Now, I'd been telling everyone that there was no way on this great earth that I was going to willingly be dropped 13 strories --- so The Tower of Terror was out! Actually, Becky and I had even discussed this while planning the gathering, but I was sure I was too big a chicken. The night before, though, Becky had asked if I'd gone on it or the new rollar coster. When I said no, she said I at least had to try the new Rocken Rollar Coaster. So, I was thinking it must be milder than The Tower of Terror. For some reason unknown to me I was thinking on Sunday morning that I really couldn't leave from my one trip to Disney World and not at least try to ride The Tower of Terror. So, my roommates and I headed there first thing, but decided to "warm up" on the rollar coaster. Joann was the wise one who said she'd meet up with us later. We couldn't find anyone even in the line who had ridden this ride because it was so new. We did find out that it went upside down and was really fast, but I've done a lot of the Six Flags rides so I was still thinking it would be all right. It was so NOT all right!!! I could not believe how fast this ride went. We took off and instantly my cheeks were caught somewhere behind my ears! I thought that only happened in cartoons. The whole ride I was thinking of the headline on HQ that would read, "Boo hurls at SSW!" When we finally stopped I was almost in tears. Vic asked if I was all right. "No!" She asked if I was going to be sick. "Yes!" My friends had to practically lead me off the ride until I could sit down outside. The worst part was that they all loved it. Some fearless leader I am! After that, I didn't even want to look at The Tower of Terror!

Sunday was also our day of rain. It rained all weekend, but it really poured on Sunday. It wasn't cold or anything, though, so after you are completely soaked what does it matter any more? I wasn't planning to get very much footage that day because I wanted a chance to enjoy the park. We went over to Becky's autograph line again, though, because I wanted to at least get both of her outfits on camera. We ended up hanging out around there for well over an hour because we kept bumping into people. It completely amazed me all weekend when people would recognize me from the web site and ask if I was Boo. Sometimes people saw the Brigade buttons and hats and would say, "Oh, you are Brigaders!" People really seem to know about us, guys! Next year I will deffinately get cards printed up or something because I kept having to write out our web address. It was also at this time that some Brigaders discovered that Soap Central had more of the L&L posters from last year available. We had heard that they sold out the day before, so some Brigaders rushed off to buy up the supply. I was fotunate enough to get one and we even gave some to Becky's mom. After this, I slipped away to ride some more rides. I loved the Great Movie Ride. It cracked me up, though, because it's in a replica of the Mann Chinese Theater in Hollywood, which isn't very far from my house. I also really liked the Animation Studio tour. We don't have anything like that in LA. On the back lot tour, though, the rain got so bad that it was flooding the inside of the trams. I was sitting in about 2 inches of water by the end of the ride… not fun! We were going to go to the Indiana Jones Show but first Vic and I had to go in search of more coffee. Apparantly they don't encourage addictions such as mine because no one could tell us where to get coffee. The girl at the candy store even asked her manager and he couldn't tell us! We ended up at a little book store way in the back of the park. We sat on this little couch sipping our java and watching this very fat little bird pick up crumbs off the floor. Somehow 45 minutes went by. LOL! I think we needed that down time. So, we missed the Indiana Jones show and went back to meet some friends. We also missed Becky's game show that day, which I hear was really cute. So, hopefully someone else will have a report on that. As Vic and I were walking she mentioned that in all the chaos the night before she had forgotten to get her own picture with Becky. Well, I could not let that happen! We headed to where her autograph line was forming and got a braclet for her line. Yes, they were actually handing out bracelets to keep the lines under control. I went back to the same little alcove as the day before so I could film Vic with Becky. I couldn't hear their conversation but Vic told me later that Becky at one point asked where I was and Vic said something like, "Right in front of you." So, Becky looked up and laughed at me for being in the rain. It's really cute on the video. And I must thank Angie for holding that plastic bag over my camera so I could stay in the rain and get that shot.

The final, "official" event of the weekend was the Grand Motorcade. After a quick trip to the Muppet Ride, we met the rest of the Brigaders for that. We got a great spot and great footage, but not all the actors were in it which was disappointing. After that… well…. I guess you could say we were all a bit hyper :). Andi entertained us by doing "the running man." Yes, I got it on tape and, yes, I plan to include it in the video. Finally, the group that was left started pressuring me about The Tower of Terror again. I don't know what got into me, but I agreed to just walk with them to the line. I remember telling Vic on the way there that, if I did go on it, she had to take care of me if I passed out. There were about 10 of us who went on and few who stayed behind to watch our stuff. As we were walking up the path (there was absolutely no line) one of the Disney guys who worked the ride started totally freaking me out. I knew he was doing it on purpose, but it was working! I had myself so worked up by the time we got to the front that I didn't think I needed to be dropped 13 floors to lose my lunch! I told the person loading us that I had to be in the back center. Then, just before I got on, I heard someone yelling "Carrie! Carrie!" (I hadn't heard my real name much all weekend, so it kind of surprised me). I turned just in time to see Becky skipping towards us. I figured she was amazed that I was actually going to ride this thing, so I yelled back, "They are forceing me to do this and I'm scared to death!!!" So, we got on and Becky waved to us as the door closed. I was gripping Vic's hand so hard and I had my eyes squeezed shut the whole time. I was totally not prepared for the drop. It happened so fast! I was shaking when it was done, but it actually wasn't as bad as I was expecting. We got off the ride and started checking that everyone was still alive. I wasn't quite ready to walk in a strait line yet and was just locating my stomach when Becky and her family got off the next car. We gave each other a big hug and I showed her mom how bad my hand was shaking. But I had survived! It was all very amusing and a great way to wrap up Super Soap! I'll even post our ride picture up at HQ even though I was told I look 5 years old in it. LOL! I look so terrified it's not exactly a great "Commander" moment :).

A bunch of us went out to Planet Hollywood at Downtown Disney that night. We were running so late, though, that we just missed another group of Brigaders who had been there before us. Sorry, guys :(. Now, I wasn't too keen on going to any of these theme restaurants that are just like the ones we have in LA. But, I was told this was a really good Planet Hollywood and I have to confess they were right. We were so sleep deprived at this point I think I would have laughed at almost anything, but I must say that Andi's impersonations of "little Lucky" weren't just anything. She nearly had me in stitches I laughed so hard. Later that night I got her to do them on camera. We didn't do any sort of introduction to tell you guys what she is doing, but I think when you see it you will figure it out. When we all had to say goodbye we piled into cars to get back to our hotel. (We had Vic's car totally packed and I got the funniest picture of Reca sitting on Vic's lap in the font seat - LOL!) Then we had to pack up our hotel rooms and get ready to leave the next day. I hate goodbyes!

The fun wasn't totally over for me, though. After checking out of our hotel Monday morning Vic, Joann, Lciam, and I all headed to EPCOT. I was so pyched about going there! We had to do "Epcot Express" to get through everything, but it was still wonderful. I especially loved the little pastry shop in "France" that Vic insisted we stop at. The coolest part, though, was the special Melinnium exhibit we got to go to. See, Lciam is a Disney employee, so she was able to take us to a special employee's preview. It was like a whole separate land with rides, food, and shops all devoted to the different cultures in the world today. And the food was even free! We left Epcot about 4:00 and hopped over to the Magic Kingdom. Since I use to work at Disneyland here in LA I really wanted to see how it was different and how it was the same. I went nuts with my video camera here because I wanted to show my sister and my mom (who also know Dinseyland like their own back yards) what it was like. (Bascially, Disneyland is sooooo much better than the Magic Kingdom, but Disney World overall has so much more!) We bumped into Becky and her family in Adventureland and it was nice to see that they got some time to have fun together on this trip too.

Believe it or not, we still had to drive back to Atlanta that night. We dropped Lciam off and left about 8:00. About 20 miles out we drove right into a monsoon. Thankfully I've driven in this kind of weather before, but I couldn't see 4 feet in front of the car and there was blinding lightening 360 degrees around us. When we came to a toll booth we pulled off to the side of the road for awhile. (Incidently, I've never seen a toll road before in my life and Vic just thought it was the cutest thing that I didn't know what to do with the money :). Hey! LA invented the "free"way!) We realized that the storm wasn't going anywhere and I had to catch my flight back the next morning, so we just drove on. Vic and I have this injoke about everything at Disney World, whether it is on water or not, being "a continuous boat ride." So, as the tires pushed thought about 8 inches of standing water on the road I said, "Hey Vic! We are on a continuous boat ride down the Florida Turnpike!" LOL! (OK, trust me, when you are as sleep deprived as we were that was a really funny joke!!!) We stopped at an all night Dunkan Donuts in the middle of nowhere because I believe you can get through any crises with enough caffine and surgar. As we were leaving Joann spotted one of those machines that flattens your penny and stamps a picture on it. Only, this one would stamp "Lucky penny" on it! Once again… middle of the night + middle of nowhere + sleep deprived = really funny joke! We actually got one of these "Lucky pennies" made and decided that must mean we would make it home alive. And we did. Of course I was drinking Big Gulp size coffees while I drove through the night, but I was the only one who didn't have to work the next morning.

We got to Atlanta about 5:00 AM and I left for my plane about 6:00. I finally got to my home in LA at what was 6:00 PM eastern time the next day. So, now you know why this report is so late. Not only was I ready to sleep for a week, but my roommate had forgotten to pay the electric bill while I was gone. Yes, that's right, I came home just in time for the power to be shut off. No computer access! I thought I'd die!!! Now all I want to do is look at my pictures, watch the video, and talk to anyone who won't shut me up about the best trip I ever had. Every time I gather with Brigaders I make some of my best memories! I can't wait to do it again!!!

|_ _| Boo

P.S. I'm editing the video right now, so you can start ordering your copies. They will be $25, just like the Soiree tapes. (Canadians, please send only US Money Orders or US cash). Please be sure to put on your check that you are ordering the SSW video, because I'm still getting checks for Soiree tapes. Also, because I have to piece together so much footage, I'm going to have to dub from video. This means, unlike the Soiree tape, we will lose one generation. But, it's a generation off of High 8mm, not VHS. So, it will still be very clear. Send your orders to:

Carrie Randall
PO Box 2003
Toluca Lake, CA 91610

Angie's Game Show Report

On Sunday afternoon, the festivities continued with a game show hosted by Walt Willey in the Beauty and the Beast Theater. Despite the spontaneous downpours, fans packed the outdoor theater to see Becky compete against Cameron Mathison (Ryan, AMC), and Hillary B. Smith (Nora, OLTL). The actors were joined onstage by a total of six audience members, two assisting each actor, to answer questions in a total of three rounds. Before the show, the audience was entertained by the “triplets”, which were women dressed in wild outfits making jokes and warming up the anticipating crowd.

Round one was a series of multiple choice questions. At the end of the first round, Becky was tied with Cameron for second place with a score of 20 points, and Hillary was in the lead with 30. Questions consisted of what actors or actresses identified with certain Disney characters, among other subjects.

The second round consisted of True and False questions pertaining to the show each actor was a part of. Becky and her teammates swept the round of questions, bringing her score up to 120. She was still tied with Cameron, and Hillary was still in the lead by ten points.

In the final round, the actors were asked to wager as many points as they dared before the question was asked. All three actors chose to wager 120 points, but the question was a tough one! Walt asked how many Soap Operas Catherine Hickland(Lindsay, OLTL) had been a part of during her career. Becky and Cameron chose to trust the well-intentioned audience and answered with 4, losing all of their points and putting them back to 0. Hillary answered correctly, with 5 shows, and won the game.

No matter what the outcome, it was a fun event and the rain-soaked fans from all three show had a blast!

~Pvt. Angie

Brigader I.Q. Test