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Brigaders at Becky's Soiree
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The great pics on this page were taken by Sarah, one of our FOBs - Friends of Brigaders. Click on them for a better look, or email for copies.

Pvt. Angie's Report:

My experiences the weekend of the Soiree were unforgettable to say the least. After I arrived at The Sportsmens Lodge, everything was terrific. Getting there was another story! Let's just say that this was my first plane ride, and not an enjoyable one. I may not have anything to compare it to, but I can tell you that it was extraordinary.

I arrived at the hotel at about 5:30 am on Sunday to join my roommates. They weren't Brigaders, but one was a friend of Stacey's (CurlyQGrl). I didn't really meet them at that point though, I had to hit the shower and head downstairs for my first official meeting with the other Brigaders. I had breakfast with a few of them that morning. Among them was Quinn, who kept the conversation interesting, her boyfriend Devon (sorry if I spelled that wrong), Joanna, Kathy (Benni), and Jackie. There were others, but unfortunately their names escape me now. I saw Stacey walking around alot, but never actually met her.

Then, it was on to the Soap Boutique to find the mysterious Boo. I saw her sitting at Becky's table, read her name tag, but still couldn't believe it was her. My mental picture was WAY off. I waited for Kathy to say something to Boo before I did just to be sure I didn't make a fool of myself. I bought a couple of things and then introduced myself. I have to say that I pictured her in her late 30's but that is all of my mental picture I am willing to divulge! :) She was so friendly right from the start, I was impressed.

Then, I joined Becky's fan club. Her aunt Ginny was taking the money, she looked at my information card and said "I remember that name, it is so nice to put faces with the names". Now I ask you, how cool is that? Becky's aunt knew my name!

After looking through the boutique, I headed back to my room for a nap. Fate intervened, however, and I ran into someone in the elevator looking to unload a ticket to the long sold out Fan Club Luncheon. Of course she had to twist my arm to go (yeah right!). I headed back downstairs to register for the Luncheon and chat with a few of the Brigaders. I still hadn't slept, but who needs sleep at a time like that?!

The Luncheon was great. I sat with several people I didn't know but quickly befriended. I listened to each one tell her own story of a fan encounter and listened to them reminisce about Luncheons of the past while we ate.

Boo told you quite a bit about the Luncheon, but I will try to tell you some things she didn't. Steve Burton was asked who he thought Carly's baby should be with, Jason or AJ? He basically said that the kid couldn't belong to any of them, he looked like Opie! Everyone laughed and someone said that he must belong to Bobbie then. Leslie Charleson was talking about the wildlife preserve she supports. She said that they take in wild animals because people foolishly think they can raise them. Of course, this was right after Becky said she had two squirrels at her house. Several people laughed while Leslie explained what she really meant. Everyone was great, and Brad Maule was hilarious! You just have to see the tape to see what I mean.

After the Q/A, the actors headed for the autograph tables surrounding the room. The first line I headed for was Wally Kurth and Nancy Lee Grahn. Both were gracious and she personalized all of the autographs to people. Brad and Patricia were funny, she seems really sweet in person. There were many others, but I won't bore you with all of them. The last line I went to was Becky's and Amber's. Becky took a few seconds to speak to me, she never seems rushed. She is such a trooper! I met up with Boo again and we chatted for awhile before I headed outside for air, it was really hot in there.

Now, who do I see outside? Becky's significant other and her sister! Jonny is great, and has a sense of humor. I said hi to both of them and talked for a couple of seconds. A few of us gathered in my room to talk about how great everything was. Then it was time to get ready for Becky's Soiree. The real reason I flew across the country!

Boo pretty much gave you all of the details, the Brigade was very vocal and Quinn did keep the good questions coming! The auction was great. I was a high bidder on the GH tour to be done later and several Brigaders went home with items. It really amazed me how relaxed and informal everything was. I can't even describe it really, I still think I dreamed it all!

After the auction and the Q/A were over, Becky and her family mingled among the people. She was letting everyone have pictures taken with her, no matter how late it was. When it was my turn, my camera wouldn't work. She and Boo tried, but six photos later the flash still wouldn't work. So Becky did the best thing, she called Joan over, who was taking the official photos, and had her take one of us. She said that it would be sent to me later. Again, I have to say, "How cool is that?".

I spoke with her mother for about 15 or 20 minutes. Then she introduced me to Michelle and we talked for awhile. Both of them were so sweet. Jonny was walking by and took off his necklace from Maurice Bernard's event and handed it to me! Don't worry, I won't say "how cool is that?" again. (oops! :)

Boo and the rest of the troops decided to hang out in the lobby until about 2:00 or so. We spotted Becky and her family several times then. Her mother walked over to us and said something, but I was to tired to remember exactly what.

The next day I had lunch with Boo and LCiam at the hotel and we found a place to watch GH on a big screen TV. We had drinks and food by the pool and walked around looking at the scenery. Then, Boo had to leave and LCiam and I took a little walk down the street before she left to have dinner with a friend. While waiting in the lobby, I met a strange man who had been at the GH Luncheon and told me all about how he had just gotten out of prison and saw his boss shot and killed. Thank God LCiam came back to save me! We headed for the airport then, the fun was over! I did meet the black man from Night Court in the lobby though, that was kinda neat.

Well, now that I have bored you all to tears, I will just say that this was the most fun I have had in a long time and you should all start saving your pennies for next year!

NNN Regiment

Pvt. LuckyLover6's Report

I'M STILL IN SHOCK..Today I met my idol...The amazing thing about it was that I wasn't even at Steve or Becky's Events!!!...It was almost 5pm..Steve's started @ 4:30...I was sitting at the bottom of the staircase @4:56 @ The Sportsman's Lodge, goin' on and on about JONATHAN to this one lady...All of a sudden I turned my head and couldn't believe my eyes....It was HIM....He was there.. what was he doing there? (I had already made a couple of visits to the parking lot to look for his car to no avail)...He walked over to the entrance of the 'Ballroom' where the GH Luncheon had been held ( 10 feet away from little ole' me)..There were 3 women there...All I saw were LUCKYSTARS. Was I thinking? Was I breathing ? What's my name, and where am I????...The lady that I had been talking to said, "Isn't that him? The guy you were talking about?" "Huh"?, I kept hearing myself say.. I started fumbling through my BIG purse looking for a pen that I totally knew I didn't have, the whole time thinking," Look at him...forget the pen...Don't waste the moment, soak up every second, every movement". I suddenly looked up and he was about to walk by me....He had asked them if they knew where Steve's event was...and one of them was having him follow her there....I wanted to say, "I'll take you Jono".wwweeeeee...I don't know where it is, but I'll take you......(LOL).BUT instead I said, "I suppose it would be ridiculous that you'd have a pen"...WHAT?????? i didn't really say that, please tell me I didn't say that(DORK!!!)......Not only was I about to faint dead away, but what kind of LAST WORDS were those!!!.He said," No. I don't, sorry". He kept walking. I ran, floated, to the couch where the other people were and asked, ok begged. Ok,. I promised my first born to them for a pen...( I'm sending him to her house next week. …Somehow I caught up to him and said, "Hey Jonathan. I accosted someone and got a pen. Would you please sign this for me"? "SURE, he said, in a soft voice. He signed as WE.....he he he LOL..walked together through the patio .(earlier in the day I had bought a couple of 8x10's of HIM)..While he was writing I mentioned that I had sent him an old Dodger ticket stub from 1965. He said, "Oh Yeah. I remember that" HELLOOOOOOO....I somehow reminded myself to look at his eyes.....darn it....Yellow tinted shades!!!!...He was wearing faded blue jeans and a long sleeved khaki/greenish silk shirt..yummmmmmy.... To my HORROR I was on his right side.......I'm the Keeper of Lucky's left earlobe. The least I could have done was, CHECK ON MY STUFF.......In other words,I can't even tell the Keeper of Lucky's earrings which one he had on( forgiveness can be a good thing)..... As I thanked him, I have his upper right arm a little, but bold....(ok...i'm really cracking up now) SQUEEZE.......yipppeeeeee.....I just thought of this....Why the hell didn't I turn around and watch him walk away? That's what happens when you 'leave your body'...I honestly don't know how I got back inside the building...The next thing I knew....I was by the staircase again......In a daze, as if I weren't even there, except for the fact that I couldn't speak, was shaking inside and was ready to pass out...Then the lady that I had been talking to before the LUCKYLOVEBUG bit me, said, "Aren't you glad I kept telling you to run after him?"..."Huh?"..I heard myself say over and over again....I forgot to mention that my neice, who loves JJ almost as much as I do, was on the other side of the wall using the phone while ALL of this was going down...She came back shortly after I did..The lady said to her," Your Aunt got Jonathan's autograph".. My neice(Debi) had this fuzzy look on her face, I'll admit I wasn't and never will be back to NORMAL( remember, "That's what makes us superior") AFTER my LUCKYDAY.....Hey,that was just part!....Less than an hour later we were sitting on a bench next to the front door in front of the entrance.. I noticed this lady walking by. I gasped and put my glasses on and said, " I thought that was Jonathan's Mom, but it wasn't"… My brother and sister in-law arrive. Debi and I walked over to the car and her mom says, "Isn't that Lucky over there?". At the same moment we said, " You're so mean. I can't believe you said that"(the perfect time to say the LUCKY word, WEIRD)Then my brother joins in with," Look. It IS Lucky". Debi and I turned around and......It is him...It's him. He's baaaaackkkkkkk...Oh no, another pen roadblock. But my brother had a LUCKY blue sharpie...I walked around LUCKYJJ, and stood on his right side ( Notice I made the same error twice. Standing on his right side)..I'll ask her if she noticed( earring), especially since she was standing right in front of him.)..It was her chance to 'be at one with him'. She said," WE ALL WISH YOU'D COME BACK. WE MISS YOU". I detected a slight chuckle under his breath..( how many times has he heard that statement)....I reminded myself to check out those Lucky baby blues..I got a tiny glimps of the right corner....ooooohhhhhhhhh very very blue.(BSMH)...(Be still my heart)....We watched in awe as he got into a white Sunbird( Sun was the first part of the word, anyway) with his sister (we are almost positive) and his MOM..It WAS her...He sat in back on the passenger side..His Mom sat in front of him...When something like this happens it plays over and over and over in your head...Why didn't I do this?..Why didn't I say that?...I am forever going to wish I had mentioned how much we LOVE God Candy....Darn it..and why didn't I suggest getting air time on the radio? I could have told him how disappointing it was that his Deep End of the Ocean song wasn't in the movie......I will be so greatful for the time I got to spend with fleeting as it was.... I will say this though, WHAT GOES AROUND REALLY DOES COME AROUND...I gave a friend $ to go crazy with souveniors and I gave her my camera with 25 'shots left'......LATER....I ran out of film...I ran out of money( Debi and I were going to go to Steve's event JUST to meet Jonathan)......AND LOOK AT WHAT I GOT IN RETURN...A GOOD FRIEND AND MY 'JONATHAN STORY'

Love, Julie( Luckylover6/Luckyjono)

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