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Chrisman Family

Current Data

Click here (180 kB) to see the Chrisman Ahnentafel for 32 generations starting with my three granddaughters or click here for another view using PAF4.04 to see Ancestors of Leon Dale Chrisman 32 generations back including associated notes. 32 generations puts us back about 1000 years. The notes can be most interesting!

If you don't know what an Ahnentafel is all about, click HERE to learn more.

Our database lists 24897 individuals where two or more have the same surname. You can see these SURNAMES (69,678 Bytes) as a frequency of occurance and year ranges for their births and deaths.

You can browse an extensive database of our ancestors. For colateral lines or more information, please email to Lonnie Chrisman, who has researched and maintained this database and practically has it memorized. He has another genealogy page here too where he is capturing everything he can find about the Chrisman name and history.

Don't forget to sign my guest book, or send me email at , or both! I appreciate all those messages you've placed in my guest book in the past. We attempt to answer your E-Mails too.

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Last updated: 8/26/2000

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Enjoy, Leon
