Index for Chrisman Pedigree
Names that are italicized below are ancestors of
Lonnie or Debbie (Rice) Chrisman.
Names that are italicized and boldfaced are leaves on the pedigree for that
surname (i.e., most distant known ancestor).
If you have a common ancestor, please send me e-mail at
If you have a similar Web page for any person appearing in this pedigree,
I will gladly insert a hyperlink to your page under that individual.
Note also that I have info on many other colateral lines, and on all
American lines of the Chrisman name, in a larger database at home,
so if you have a common ancestor, please do contact me.
I am, for the time being, sharing my otherwise private notes, which in many
cases include sources.
Quick Index to First Letter of Name: Surnames Only,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,Y,Z,a,d,l,o
List of surnames
'es_Blanchemains Abel Abrams Adams Aethelred Ahl Akett Alden Alder Aldithley Alexander Allen Allerton Allyn Andersdatter Andersen Anderson Andrews Andrew Annable Anthony Aquitaine Arey Arnold Artois Arundel Ashford Aston Atkins Atte_Wode Atwood Auchinvoe Audley Austin Avery Avis Bacon Baddishall Bader Badlesmere Bagham Bailey Baile Bailley Baker Baliol Balliou Ball Bane Bangs Banks Barbee Barber Barker Barlow Barnaby Barnard Barnes Barrow Bartlett Basset Bass Bates Bauer Baxter Beale Beam Beare\Bare Bearse Bear Beauchamp Beauclerc Beaumont Beck Beetle Belleme Bell Benedict Benjamin Bennett Benson Berenger Berghes Berkeley Berlaimont Berlaymont Bernard Berry Bessant Betteshorne Bevier Bickford Bigford Bigod Bigsbee Billung Bird Birmingham Bishop Bivans Blackmer Blake Blencow Blenerhasset Blount Blunden Boclande Boldock Bolstridge Bolton Bonham Bonvyle Booker Bos Boun Bourgogne Boville Bower Bowles Bowrosan Bradford Bradshaw Bramshot Brandon Brandt Braose Brayden Brenner Brewster Brice Briggs Britt Brooks Brotherton Broughton Brown Bruyn Bryant Bryan Buckman Buck Buelstridge Burchet Burch Burgess Burgh Burr Burstow Bushman Butler Buttel Button Calvert Campfield Camville Canmore Canonicus Canterbury Cantine Capet Carbonell Carew Carey Carpenter Carre Carr Carver Cary Case Casselman Cave Cerda Chambers Chaources Chapline Charlemagne Chateauneuf Chenault Cheney Cheshire Chevis Childs Chipman Chriesman Chrisman Christian Churchill Church Clare Clarke Clark Clements Clermont Clery Clifford Cliveldon Cobb Coddington Coe Coffenberry Coleman Coleson Cole Collier Collings Collins Conner Constant Cooke Cook Coomes Cooper Corbell Corbet Cordingly Cotgreave Cottrell Courtenay Courtney Covell Cox Crabtree Crepi Cressy Cribbens Cricket Crisp Criteser Croakum Crofutt Cromwell Crosiesn Crouch Crowell Crow Crull Cumbrai Cunningham Curtis Cushing Cushman Custer Cutych Daggett Darcye Darwin Davis Dda Ddu DeHuse DeLange De_Bostock De_Clare De_La_Noye De_Lanno De_Launey De_Mowbray De_Waterton De_Welles De_Witt Deane Dean Decker Delano Deming Denham Dennis Deougherty Depew Devine Dewey Dewsbury Deyou Dickens Dillen Dillingham Dinan Dippy Doane Doggett Doty Dow Drax Drew DuBois Dudley Duncan Dunckly Dunham Dunn Duras Durrant Dusenberry Dustin Dyer Dymoke Dyson Eairs Eatherton Eaton Echingham Edwards Edward Eldredge Eldred Eldridge Elkins Elley Elliston Ellis Elsbough Eltinge Elting Emerson Emfinger Endley Espec Esselstyn Esseltyn Everingham Ewe Fallowell Fastolphe Faunce Fear Fell Ferdinand Ferguson Ferrers Ferrieres Fickett Field Finney Fish FitzLewis FitzWilliam Fitz_Geoffrey Fitz_Herbert Fitz_John Fitz_Orm Fitz_Pernel Fitz_Piers Fitz_Robert Fitz_Walter Fitzalan Fitzbernard Fitzgerald Fitzmaurice Fitzwater Fleischer Fobes Folli Ford Fore Forman Foster Fox Franchimont Francis Frazier Freeman Fuller Funderburk Furlow Gage Gaines Gallant Gamaer Gamble Ganzer Gardiner Gard Garner Garnett Gascoigne Gasherie Gates Gatewood Gatliff Gautner Gaveston Gaylord Geneville Gibbard Giddings Giffard Gifford Gilbert Gilliam Gilman Glasse Glenn Glover Goard Godfrey Golding Goodale Goodhue Gordon Gore Gorham Gosman Gosnold Goss Gottdiener Goushill Gower Grandmesnil Graveley Gray Great Green Gregson Grene Greystroke Griffin Griggs Grinnell Griswold Gross Grufs Gurnsey Guthrie Guth Hadley Haily Haines Haislep Hallet Hallowell Hall Hamblen Hamilton Hammerely Hammond Ham Hanestad Hansford Hanson Harcourt Hardenburgh Harding Hardland Harlow Harman Harris Harssant Harvey Hasbrouck Hasche Hastings Hatch Hathaway Hatler Hayaar Hayden Haydon Hayes Haynes Hedge Heilman Henderson Herman Hersey Hesdin Heyl Hicks Higgins Hillary Hill Hinckley Hobart Hodges Hodgins Hodson Hoffman Holbrook Holliday Hollister Holmes Honowell Honypott Hoogtaling Hoover Hopkins Hord Hornbeck Horton Hoton House Hovey Howard Howes Howey Howland Howlett Hubbell Hubner Huckins Hudnall Hudson Huff Hugher Hull Humbert Hunking Hunter Hussey Hutchins Hutton Hyanno Ihyannough Indian Iodence Ironside Ivey Jackson Jansen Janson Jans Jarboe Javorsky Jeane Jenkins Jenney Jensen Jewett Johnson Jonecan Jones Jorgensdatter Josling Joyce Juncker Karcher Karengin Kebell Keene Keen Kelty Kempton Kennebrew Kennedy Kenrick King Kinnelmarsh Klein Kline Knett Knott Knowles Krieger Kromanova Kroman Kuch Laconte Lane Langenecker Lano Lanvallei Larkins Larkin Larsdatter Lathley Latimer Lavender Lawrence LeBlanc LeFevre Leavitt Leche Lee Lenhart Lent Leonard Lestrange Lettice Letts Lewes Lewis Lewth Liddell Ligne Limbeck Lincoln Linhart Linnell Lipsova Lips Lisk Littlefield Little Lloyd Lombard Longespee Longford Longueville Longus Lothrop Louis Louvain Lovell Loving Lowthorpe Low Lucas Ludlum Lumbart Lumbert Lumpkin Lurcott Lurvey Lyons MacMurragh Mac_Murrough Mackenneth Mahieu Maingova Mainwaring Maker Mandeville Mannel Mannilla Mannoo Mann Manzey Marcioch Markham Marlatt Marleville Marshall Marsh Marsteller Martel Martin Mascus Masterson Mather Mathieson Mathilda Matthews Mattock Mauzy Maxanno Mayo May McAlpin McCulley McIntosh McInturff McLane Mc_Daniel Meadors Meed Meiks Melick Mellent Melles Menks_or_Merrill Merrick Meschin Miantenomi Miller Milton Mingoval Miskell Mitchell Modsley Molembais Moore Morey Morgan Morris Mortensen Mortimer Morton Mowbray Muchenhirn Mueller Mulford Mullins Munkers Myrick Nash Naunton Neal Neill Nelson Newberry Newcomb Nicely Nicholson Nichols Nickerson Nickilson Nighbert No-Pee Noles North Norvelle Novak Nye O'Regan Olden Oldham Olmstead Olson Oragar Oren Oslund Osterhoudt Ostrander Pabodie Pack Paine Palmer Pape Parker Parke Park Partridge Pattee Pavlovic Pazak Peche Pegram Penn Pepper Percy Perkins Perry Peshall Petersen Peterson Pette Phillips Phippen Pierce Pike Pippin Plaiz Plantagenet Plantz Plummer Plymate Pollard Pontus Pope Porter Potts Powell Pratt Prence Price Pries Pritchard Pursell Putnam Quaiapen Quicke Quincy Quirin Raichl Raines Rains Ransom Rape Rappe Rawlings Rawlins Raynor Read Rector Reddick Redd Redman Reeb Reed Reese Reeves Reid Ressler Reycraft Rice Richards Rich Rickard Ricks Riddan Riddlesford Rider Ridgeway Ridley Ring Ripley Robersart Roberts Rockett Rogers Roland Rollins Romilly Ronzone Rooke Rouse Rowley Rudborne Rushe Russell Russia Saile Saline Salisbury Salmon Salte Samaly Sampson Samson Sanders Sandidge Sanford Sargent Savil Savory Savoy Say Schaner Schmedts Schmidt Schoonmaker Schreiner Scottow Scott Scribner Scuder Seabury Seagrave Sears Sergeaux Serginer_or_Pope Sewell Shafer Sharpe Shaw Shay Shelly Shell Shelton Shenton Sherwood Shivers Short Shurtleff Shurtleif Simkinson Simmons Simons Simpson Sinclair Singleton Skipwith Skuder Sleight Smalley Small Smith Smythe Smyth Snare Snodgrass Snow Soule Southworth Sparrow Spinner Spooner Sprague St._Andrews St._Aubin St._Clare St._Hilaire St._Hilary St._John Stafford Standish Stanfield Stanford Stanley Steinhour Stephens Stetson Stevens Stewart Steyd Stone Strawn Streett Stroh Strout Studd Sturgis Sunderland Surgen Sutton Swann Swartwout Sweet Swett Swift Sylvester Taillefer Taliaferro Talvas Tapp Tashtassuck Tatum Tayler Taylor Teatherstone Teutsch Thacher Thimpson Thomas Thompson Thorley Thornton Threlkeld Tilton Tiptoff Toeni Totman Tower Tracy Trask Treat Tregoz Triplett Trussebut Tubbs Tuchet Turner Turney Twining Tyler Umfreville Usflete Vabornik Valognes Van_Alcmaer Van_Breestede Van_Waganen Vaux Velott Verdun Vere Vesey Vespont Vickerie Vickery Vitre Vogel Wade Wagner Wagstaff Wait Walker Wallace Wallecourt Walter Waltr Warde Ward Warenne Warrell Warren Waterman Watson Webber Webb Webster Weeks Welch Wells Wentworth Westbrook Weston West Weyland Whatman Whelden White Whitley Whitney Widsom Wilbur Wildermuth Wilder Wiley Wilkison Willard Williamson Williams William Willian Willoughby Wilson Wingfield Winslow Winsofer Winstanleye Wise Wiswell Witherill Withers Wither Witmer Wode Wolf Womwell Woodrufe Woodruff Wood Wright Wuerth Wynkoop Wyther York Young Zang Zyb a_la_Barbe d'Amundeville d'Arderne d'Arundel d'Aubigny d'Esne de_Baumont de_Beaumont de_Bohun de_Chaworth de_Fienes de_Goel de_Grandison de_Lacy de_Lannoy de_Montagu de_Montfort de_Monthermer de_Renquyre de_Ros de_Rousseau de_Saluzzo de_Sint_Merty de_Warenne de_la_Mare le_Botiller le_Despenser le_Pla of_Acre of_Canonicus of_Woodstock